An Ancient World


A 'Spiritual Journey' through the senses of ancient clown. I was conceived in the East and flew threw the air as the Lightening flashes through the sky to be born in the West...the 'Sign of Jonah' & 'Glory of the Olive'. Called by GOD i left the world of Man decades ago to learn to 'Walk in the Way' as Christ taught and journeyed to meet GOD and discover my reason for and now. I returned with a message and have been walking among you for decades only to be ignored and censored...Recognize the 'Sign of Jonah' as Christ warned. End your 'War of the Poor' and Surrender to GOD & LAW...Learn to 'Walk in the Way' as Christ taught.

Accidentally Intentional


70% of people don’t have someone they can call in a 2am crisis. Let’s face it. We are relationally broke. My mission is to make that percentage zero. But how? By building RELATIONAL WEALTH: the embodiment of all your relationships, with yourself, with others, and experiences that enRICH your life. The focus of this podcast And ALL of your relationships. With others. With yourself. Your passions. Your health. Your body image. Your addictions. Your wildest dreams. Your biggest losses...and SO much more. Our relationships WITH everything else is the overflow of our relationships with everyONE else. I promise you this podcast will help you build wealth in EVERY way that money cannot. And it all starts by being Accidentally Intentional. New videos every OTHER Thursday. Subscribe and turn on notifications to make sure you automatically get every new episode drop! Let's be Accidentally Intentional together!

ELONHERRY Hi 👋 Guyz ... I hope you are fine.Welcome to you my rumble Account.i hope you would like my videos.Pleaee like, Comment,Share and Subscribe my Channel. THANKS 👍🥰


Hlo Guyz.. Welcome to my rumble channel.My name is Usama Umar and I am here entertainment people through Dramas, Episode and other entertainment videos Like, Judge judy.... Rumble Search, judge judy full episodes,judge judy,judge judy show,judge judy official,judge judy episodes,youtube judge judy,watch judge judy,judge judy amazing cases,judge judy 2023,judge judy 2022,judge judy sheindlin,judge judy full episodes 2023,byrd judge judy,judge judy full episodes 2022,judge judy 2021,judge judy new,judge judy episode,judge judy new case,judge judy new episode,judge judy season 2023,judge judy new full episode #drama #Episode #English episode #judge Judy #Judge judy Episode

Ancient Ocean Ruins


Ancient Ocean Ruins a constant search and exploration of ancient ocean flooded ruins how ancient? built by who? there are many theories and many questions. flooded when, how many times? cosmic? earthly? human caused? there are many theories and many questions... what about me and this channel? I explore and see what I can see when it is available to see. I try to stick to simplistic theories and never stick to precise historical dates and labels of how far in the past something happened. to simplify with the most drastic example, I would not be surprised if we find ruins of a 500.000 year old civilization somewhere while mining deep for gold, uranium or diamonds, etc. and that number is just a pure guess. AluminoHato 2024

Accumulated Accountability


There's accumulated accountability that needs to be addressed. Welcome to the A.A with Dave We are a feature length poli-cultural podcast keeping you up to-date with everything happening around the world, and in your backyard. Currently, we are doing a multi-part series continually following up with the - now global - Freedom Convoy 2022 based out of Ottawa that now all of Europe, Australia, USA and Mexico are jointly participating in the fight that started… With a few brave Canadians. Multiple episodes each week, Subscribe to never miss out. Cheers.