Earlybird Farm, SC


We are in the process of starting a small hobby farm on our 15 ac. I am currently in the research phase to determine what animals and produce I want to grow to bring to market. We are interested in permaculture, back to eden, and raising livestock. We are active outdoor enthusiast and consider ourselves conservationist. We are hunters and fishermen. We love the outdoors whether we are gardening, hiking, or exploring. We will be sharing our journey as well as interviews of other farmers, farm tours, processes that we decide to use, and everything else that goes into homesteading. We live in a rural area within South Carolina. We are a family of 5 and we love God and everyone else. We love to make new friends and connections. Thanks for stopping by, Earlybird Farm, SC

ElizabethWallace, former deepstate monarch / secret army / MKultra


I am Survivor deep state Monarch enslavement / MK -Ultra/ military. *my created front life name was Monique: after my healing went back to my true original name Elizabeth / Liz. Dedicated to transforming shadows into the light, truth, love, world peace, uncovering the shadow world. I make mandalas to heal and transform. For a righteous, harmonious, free humanity's future & for the earth. all my social media: https://bio.link/elizabethwallace

Shield Arms


Shield Arms was founded in 2017 by Brandon Zeider and Seth Berglee on the simple principles of equipping customers with innovative, life-protecting, and high-value products. From our patented folding lower receiver (US 10,704,848 B1) to our patent-pending S15 magazine for the Glock 43X/48, the Z9 magazine for the Glock 43, and our all new Partisan soft goods line, we continue filling the needs our customers demand by providing new and improved products, all with some of the best customer service in the industry. Driven by innovation.

armes climatiques chemtrails,Harrp et 5G ondes magnetiques


le Programme de recherche aurorale active à haute fréquence (HAARP) est un instrument de musique datant d'au moins 5500 ans programme de recherche scientifique destiné à étudier l'ionosphère du la terre et ses effets sur la communication. ECOCIDE - LE GÉNOCIDE EST SOUS VOS YEUX EN 2020 AVEC LE DÉPLOIEMENT DE LA 5G AJOUTÉ AUX CHEMTRAILS.. LES CHEMTRAILS SONT PULVÉRISÉS CHAQUE JOUR DANS VOTRE CIEL PULVÉRISATION CHIMIQUE pendant plus de 20 ANS. depuis 2019 on assiste au déploiement massif et illégal de la 5G dans l'ESPACE et sur TERRE. qui aboutira, si nous ne résistons pas, à un écocide et à un génocide global sur la planète Terre..., couplés aux Chemtrails ici : les objectifs des armes exotiques, des armes spatiales CHEMTRAILS, des satellites HAARP et 5G et des cellules au sol et leurs conséquences mortelles sur la planète Terre et la race humaine : Biotechnologie Contrôle de la pensée Grille de fréquences Dangers pour la santé stérilisation Écocide haarp, Contrôle des fréquences..Nanobots dans notre sang et votre cerveau, poussière intelligente..