13 Followers⚒ Men’s Freedom and Development Coach ⚔️ 🤝 Entrepreneur | ✍🏼 Author | 🎤 Speaker I help men forge freedom in life/business! 📲 Call/Text Me 817-203-8445 #ForgeYourself #FreemenForge #ForgerOfMen “I exist to change the world by strengthening, equipping, and leading men forward into lives of ultimate freedom. I train men to understand and embrace the original principles and purposes of masculinity and manhood that lead to growth and liberty in all areas of life.” “My mission is to forge a formidable force of strong and unapologetically masculine male leaders who are rooted in truth, devoted to principle, committed to creating a life free from control, and willing to lead others by example.” -GABRIEL ALEXANDER - America’s Battleground Voice on Purpose in Manhood