Conspiracy Against Mankind


Not all conspiracies are theories, some are facts. You will hear from experts and concerned people explaining why you feel that something is defiantly wrong in the world today. History has taught us that when evil men are exposed they will always attack the messenger instead of the facts. This content is designed to encourage you to pause and reflect on alternative answers to todays world in turmoil. Community: Telegram Channel: Facebook:

CT CowBoy The Kevin Alan Show


CT Cowboy The Kevin Alan Show is an independent news and op-ed show. Packed with interviews from the fridges of conspiracy debunkers, politics to social and economic/social norms. Interviewing high profile names. This show encompasses and welcomes differencing dialog. We like to call it "the littlest big show" on the internet because of its organic grass roots inception. Tackling tough issues today with no hesitancy. The show is raw and unfiltered giving people an inside look with guest commentary and input on both sides of the aisle.

Catholics Against Militarism podcast


This is where we publish (or republish) episodes that can't run on YouTube due to censorship. Catholics Against Militarism is a lay Catholic movement that aims to expel militarism from the American Catholic Church by 1) registering dissent at the parish level, 2) raising awareness of the dangers of militarism through dialogue with fellow believers, and 3) spurring deeper, more honest reflection on the role of violence in our world. "To reach peace, teach peace." Message of His Holiness Pope John Paul II for the celebration of the Day of Peace, 1 January 1979 CAM Website CAM podcast RSS feed CAM YouTube

Russian Orthodox Revolution Against Hegemony


Russian Orthodox Revolution Against Hegemony provides a unique look at the fight against American hegemony from an Orthodox Christian perspective. Our engaging discussions, insightful interviews, and funny memes are sure to spark debate and shed light on important topics related to Russian society, politics, and global affairs. We feature insightful interviews with notable individuals, such as naturalized Russian citizens with American heritage such as Russell "Texas" Bentley, John Mark Dougan, and more, as we discuss topics related to Russian society, politics, and global affairs.

Against the Grain Homestead


We are a simple Christian family that has homeschooled our children from start to finish while homesteading to some degree. We garden, hunt, and preserve our own food through various methods. We use plants for medicine. We diy everything, and we simply enjoy learning new skills. VACUUM SEALER BAGS and ROLLS: Looking for thick and durable vacuum sealer bags and rolls? Use my link to order some at an affordable price from the Out of Air brand. (I may get a small commission if you order through my link; THANK YOU in advance.) I do have a video review on these bags. AZURE STANDARD: I have been ordering from Azure Standard since 2011, they are a great bulk food (and MUCH more) company. Check them out at or and enter code ShanaCora1 If you order from them, I may receive a small commission on your first order. Please subscribe to my website and download your FREE Guide to Making Perfect Bread Every Time. You can download the guide at the link below. Check out all my many playlists on cooking, food preservation, canning, fermenting, gardening, homesteading skills, and much more! FIND ME: WEBSITE: YOU TUBE: RUMBLE: GAB: PINTEREST: