Ufo's, Aliens, Conspiracies, ect. Plus personal storie's from various sources.


Not so long ago..and from a Galaxy not so far away. Sorry couldnt but help use a Star Wars reference, but hey why not. Millions of people across Earth report seeing object's in our sky's they cannot adentify. With the main stream media and the U.S Government taking a more serious stance on the subject and where B.S Ufo channels are popping out of the woodwork I decided to create a channel thats as honest and truthfull as possable. So basicly iof I dont know or havent seen somthing personaly I'll say so so you can make up your own mind. Also if you have witnessed something and would like to share it I will put on the channel if I am able to do so. The only real criteria is be honest. Nobody has time for B.S...Thank you for taking the time to watch please follow and dont forget to smake that rumble button....

How To Plumbing


People always ask me what gave you the idea and what made you create these how to plumbing videos? Coming up with the idea was easy. After many years as a plumber and servicing customers at their home, I\\\'ve seen a lot of people in Tuff situations, people that could not afford a plumber, people that didn\\\'t have time to wait for a plumber to come to their home and make repairs, hearing horror stories of Plumbers that have ripped off costumers and gave bad service, to me this was a loud cry for help. One story come to mind; A friend of mine calls me and ask, Claude could you do me a favor and help this older lady that I know, and go by and look at her Plumbing, she needs plumbing work really badly, but she\\\'s too scared to call a plumber because of the cost, and she knows that if I send you over there to check out the plumbing she can trust me as a friend recommending you, sure I said I could do that. The next day came and I went to the older lady\\\'s home, she came to the door with a pleasant smile very humbly. I could see it in her eye\\\'s she didn\\\'t have to say a word (What is this going to cost) she was very polite and courteous. Sir would you like something to drink and I do appreciate you coming to check out my plumbing on such short notice. No problem mam, let’s see what\\\'s going on here with your plumbing. This way Sir in the kitchen. As I walk through the home I saw in the corner of my eye younger children around 3, 5 and 6 years of age running around the house I\\\'m sure they were her Grandkids; right away I knew they also stayed there and grandmother seem to have her hands full. I would say it\\\'s safe to say that grandmother was helping raise them or she or was doing it all alone. Yeah, I\\\'m a softy, seeing all this going on before I even saw the plumbing problem, just made me thankful of my situation and hoping that I could help her out, and maybe just for that day I could give her a chance to catch her breath and take away some of the worries she had going on. I finally made it to the kitchen sink. Here you go Sir, I\\\'ll leave you alone and let you work again thank you so much in a humble voice, she says. I look under the kitchen sink. WOW! That\\\'s it, I said to myself. It was a chrome P-Trap that had just corroded from the bottom leaking into a large cooking pot, five-minute job to replace it. I was curious. Mam How long has this been like this. Two years Sir. I ask really? Yes. Mam where have you been washing your dishes I ask. In the tub. OH! I said. Can you fix it Sir? She asks. Yes, mam not a problem. For a minute, I saw a little sigh of relief on her face, but she caught herself. Sir, do you have any idea what this is going to cost? Yes Mam, in a low voice I said nothing mam. I didn\\\'t have to say it too loud because I didn\\\'t want it to seem as if I was doing her a big favor because I was feeling just as humble as she was; the smile and the relief on her face was more than enough for me she was really doing me a big favor, I was enjoying the idea that I was helping someone God had sent me to. Yes, I know this is a small job, but there are many people out there that don\\\'t realize this and they are really scared to call a plumber.

WallPlugTuna Show by TheSnooze


Hi guys and gals! Thanks for stopping by! This is a video archive channel for my radio show The WallPlugTuna Show on BBZ Radio which aires every two weeks. I run predominantly breaks but dip my toes regularly into old school sound tastes from my musical past, Drum'n'Bass and psychedelic soundscapes. The WallPlugTuna Show has been a steady installment on NSB Radio from october 2012 until september 2022 and has its new home on BBZ since august 2023. It was always live and never scripted or edited. Mixing as raw as it gets! Listen to older episodes on my Hearthis channel: https://hearthis.at/thesnooze/ Other links to follow: Spreadshirt | Merch: https://www.spreadshirt.de/shop/user/thesnooze Twitter | Tracklist: https://twitter.com/The_Snooze Minds | Social Media: https://www.minds.com/TheSnooze Artstation | My Art: https://www.artstation.com/the_snooze

Excel Plus


Thank you for visiting my channel! The Excel Zone contains videos about MS Excel tutorial. MS Excel is a spreadsheet where one can record, analyze and save data. It is a widely used Microsoft Office application and has become a significant part of every business. If you want to get ahead, you have to excel in MS Excel. As a Certified Public Accountant, Financial Consultant and Entrepreneur, MS Excel has been my tandem in my career for more than 2 decades. I also use it for my personal financial monitoring and budgeting. My goal is to help people learn to work with Excel in an efficient manner by making use of its time saving functions and formulas.