

More News in Site: "DONT CLOSE YOUR BUSINESS-NO COVID19 LAW CAN CLOSE YOUR BUSINESS LEGALLY!" "Mandatory masks from an fake pandemic=Covid19 are just an excuse to create a reason to close all stores and physical spaces such as: Hospitals, schools, small commercial spaces, etc. imposing the next industrial era - The Internet of things - Staying closed at home like cattle to do (tele work) and everything else.

Nova Scotia Free Speech Bulletin Podcast Verified


This channel is for all the podcasts , I have done and will continue to do so ! I have interviewed, doctors, nurses ,funeral embalmers. Governments on all levels have lied to you! The WEF and all levels of governments are involved in a genocide with vaccines that are killing people, 15 minute cities, AI and much more. A big thank you to awake Canada for providing all of the podcasters for this platform to get the word out. I have fought a previous battle ( Sunday Shopping) to which some people may not agree with. I firmly believe this is all tied in to the Transhuman movement. If you want to move in that direction you do away with the day of rest, people going to church. You then divide the people and play them off against one another. This was the case with Sunday shopping. Using the media with brainwashing propaganda repeating the slogan that Sunday shopping was great for people wanting to shop an extra day. Telling people that someone at a restaurant or a call center had to work. What's the difference? You can see the divide. The government could have legislated the day off for other occupations as well. BUT this is just a little piece of the puzzle. With Covid a bioweapon they played the vaccinated off against the unvaccinated. Closing churches down while you could go to a box store and be safe. But not in that church or a restaurant. Pushing the vaccine on you by bribing you or forcing you to take it or lose your job. Point is the government has always divided us. Murder is serious , something has to be done about it. Our freedoms are at stake. The mainstream media has been paid off in the millions by our prime minister Justin Trudeau. Our podcast with many others on social media need to be heard not silenced with Bill C 11. This is not Canada that we all love. Please watch our podcasts and share them with everyone you know.

Vocational Science of Freedom


Please download the VSOF Welcome Package, follow the instructions within and join our community of American Sovereigns on - Revolt. e-mail the Welcome package back to ✅Revolt link is in Welcome Package 🔵🔴🟢🟠The VSOF Mission Statement: To perpetuate and grow a community of teachers, scholars, writers, and students that create, learn and teach a complete and innovative curriculum of American civics coupled with autodidactic learning, in the quadrants of Self-Awareness, Self-Government, Self-Defense, and Self-Reliance, for the betterment, freedom and perpetual sovereignty, of we the American people. 🦅 Goals of a VSOF Member: To live free and develop & perpetuate your own life curriculum, teaching the Vocational Science of Freedom, that is based always in truth, facts, science, your five senses, natural law, common law, and the freedom of one’s own spiritual will. ✅ If you do not write your own life script then by default you have let others write it for you. 🔊 If you wish to be OUT of this filthy law merchant system, then you have but one choice. Claim your Estate and correct your status as one of the people on the public record. ✅ To correct your status from that of being an infant and a citizen subject to congress, to being a sovereign who is one of the people of America, Go to this link and download the VSOF price sheet and get your status corrected. 🟠 The choice is yours. It always has been. You just were never told about the choice until now. You must choose your side. 🔵"The Natural Liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on earth, and not to be under the authority of man, but only to have the Law of Nature for his rule." John Locke ⚡⚡If you would like to donate crypto to the VSOF: Bitcoin: bc1qnj0c5r8kxrzv8gk3kqs5f5p887wzmv3p4prlwh Ethereum: 0x04aa87579F047B634023b5DC9EdeE386E66c0171 XRP: rEJ6ejdSrawoNvQfPVgQHca6rpdzypgduQ