Developments in Literacy - DIL


This is the official Rumble channel for DIL (Developments in Literacy). About Us: We educate and empower underprivileged students, especially girls, by operating student-centered model schools and providing high-quality professional development to teachers and principals across Pakistan. DIL believes that no child in Pakistan, no matter how poor or underprivileged, should be denied access to quality education. All children should have equal opportunity to reach their full potential and contribute toward the socio-economic betterment of their communities. Educating Children. Empowering Communities. Building Futures. To learn more about DIL, do visit us at the addresses below. To support our children and teachers, please visit: Pakistan: For financial contributions in USD, please go here:

Elite You


The Elite You is designed as a virtual platform that provides subject matter experts, mentors, and professionals the ability to record their knowledge, lessons learned, and wisdom gained over a lifetime of sacrifice and dedication towards mastery. These individuals will showcase their chosen skill sets through demonstration, conversation, and instruction focused on what they do best. This channel is dedicated to providing you with purpose driven content for those interested in learning from experts, mentors, and those that have a desire to be the best versions of themselves. Those who take each opportunity to get closer to their ideal self. If you like our content here, please consider supporting us by subscribing to