Fabiana Parise


Olá tudo bem? Eu sou Fabiana Parise, é um prazer ter você aqui no meu Canal do Youtube! Nesse canal, abordamos temas relacionados ao Ho’oponopono. Ho’oponopono é uma técnica, meditação ou processo havaiano de arrependimento, perdão e transmutação desenvolvido por Kahuna Lapa’au Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona (1913–1992). O termo “Ho’oponopono” significa “reparar” ou “corrigir um erro”. De acordo com os antigos havaianos, a fonte do erro está em pensamentos contaminados por memórias dolorosas do passado ou traumas. Em seu modo mais popular e superficial, ho’oponopono é um poderoso mantra que possui a capacidade de restaurar a harmonia interior e a harmonia nas relações interpessoais de qualquer pessoa. “Sinto muito”, “Por favor, me perdoe”, “Eu te amo” e “Sou Grato” são as frases que repetimos durante o ho’oponopono. Se inscreva, deixe seu like e comente :) Beijooooo! 📬 Contato Comercial: fabiana.parise@hotmail.com

*American Moosetacles* You Either got 'em or ya' don't


The Official Video Blog/Podcast Channel of *American Moosetacles*, where you either got 'em or ya' don't. Do you listen to or watch the "heavy hitters" of conservative media & find yourself wondering why they keep connecting the same few dots while somehow missing one that is obvious to you & that would complete the picture? Yeah, me too. Since these shows were prerecorded or I don't have a couple of hours to sit on hold. Instead, I decided that I could add to the conservation better with my own "show", where the dots connected are my own. Welcome to *American Moosetacles*.

Sharise Parviz - Leading Lady Solutions


👑I help women leave the past behind and live the life they were created for 🎧Burn the Boats, Baby! 🎬SPBTV 💣"Conservative Bombshell" of the former political satire show, Restrained No More ------- As founder of Leading Lady Solutions, I serve women in regaining their health and life so they can take back their freedom and be the leaders the next generation is looking for. We can break the cycle of pain, disease, and trauma - and it begins with us. ⭐️My Leading Lady Experience™ is a place where women come together for support, education, and coaching in life, relationships, nutrition, fitness, yoga, meditation & energy healing, traditional cooking, dance, mindset, and more. 👉Learn more about my unique programs https://www.shariseparviz.com/coaching/ 👉Sign up for my newsletter to receive health and life tips and Freebies https://www.shariseparviz.com/resources-2/ 👉And if you think it's too late, I'm here to tell you, that's total BS! It's never too late! -You Leave the Legacy you Live

Esraa Muse


At times in life I feel badass and want to scream, other times, I’m all sweet and sing soft. So hopefully these contrasting and conflicting emotions will be captured in my new music set to be released. My older tunes are right here while I refine my sound. For now, I don’t want to put myself in a box, I’m a chameleon, a morphing spirit whom wants to lift other peoples souls up and explore the world around. Oh btw, I’ve been told my music sounds like: "One of those heavier bands who puts out the occasional softer album” & “You sound like a pretty rockstar that belongs in an elvish garden” - take care and hopefully we get to meet soon xx E