Morning Scripture Dog Walk


Most mornings my dogs wake me up with reminders that they can't use the bathroom and have to go out. I get up and grab my kindle, switching it to the WordOf God. I go downstairs and open the doors for our pack to race outside and see who's been in the yard overnight. I say a prayer and read one chapter out loud. I thought I'd share that for myself and anyone else interested. Putting things on hold as it takes over an hour to post a 5 minute video. It constantly fails and has to be restarted. I just don't have the time to do that every morning.

Focus Walking Travel


Come with us and get breathtaking beach walking videos with information and travel tips about the Best beaches Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Balneario Camboriu Beach and more! Subscribe and click the bell icon to get all new videos! Thank you and have a nice day!! All videos of this channel have contexts related to tourist places, documentation and artistic promotion. All content on the Focus Walking Travel channel is copyright FOCUSWALKINGTRAVEL. Distribution is prohibited. Otherwise it will be processed. All content of the Focus Walking Travel channel has been protected by the authors of FOCUSWALKINGTRAVEL © Distribution is prohibited. Caso contrary, será processingado.

HP Walking Tours


Captivating travel videos showcasing diverse cities worldwide, including beach areas, bustling farmer markets, lush gardens and parks, and historic landmarks, with maps of each tour and subtitles for description (to learn more about the city’s rich history and its wonderful attractions). We ensure an immersive, authentic ambiance by utilizing a surround microphone. Embark on a visual journey to your dream vacation without leaving the comfort of your own home. Enjoy!

My Daily Walk in Healing and Deliverance


Hello my name is Harold. I'm a grateful believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. He pursued me and rescued me from death through the miracle of deliverance. Our Triune God is the answer to being healed and delivered. Through the Father's love for you and He does love you...Jesus' sacrifice on the cross defeating sin and all fruits of sin such as sickness, infirmities, mental disorders, bodily afflictions and through the power of Holy Spirit the same power Jesus used while here on earth, you can be healed and delivered from the torment of the enemy. It's a choice and a decision. Choose Jesus and then decide to receive healing and deliverance. It's all fixable. These videos are my way of reaching out to others to share my story, my own personal walk in healing and deliverance and to offer assistance for brothers and sisters currently in bondage to get free. Healing and deliverance for the most part starts as a first time experience and then continues as a process...a daily walk and so that is the name of my YouTube channel... My Daily Walk in Healing and Deliverance. Download the I AM confessions - put on refrigerator - Download Break the chains - Follow this man on Facebook. He is the real deal. / kevin.streetfisher God bless you. My website is contact me if you need prayer.