Creative Society Sweden


Det internationella projektet "Kreativt Samhälle" har initierats av människor runt om i världen. I dagens samhälle dominerar konsument formatet och vi kan alla se att det har uttömt sig självt och fört mänskligheten till en återvändsgränd. Den 11:e maj 2019, på den globala online konferensen "SAMHÄLLET. DEN SISTA CHANSEN" tog människor upp denna fråga och uttryckte en gemensam åsikt om att det är en avgörande nödvändighet att bygga ett nytt Kreativt samhälle. Konferensens unika format inspirerade människor att agera eftersom de kunde uttrycka sin uppriktiga åsikt och ta ansvar för sina egna liv och vår gemensamma framtid. I detta skede har vi satt upp målet att ta reda på från människor runt om i världen om de vill leva i det kreativa samhället samt att informera allmänheten om denna möjlighet. Här hittar du videor skapade av människor från över 180 länder runt om i världen. Delta i detta initiativ och besök webbplatsen: E-mail:

The Mayor and Sweet Jane's slot car hobby addiction channel!!


Hi! I'm "The Mayor", won't you join "Sweet Jane" and I on our rookie adventures of this slot car hobby of ours, while we learn and break stuff along the way? Basically, we learned table building, and built two solid 4' x 8' tables after the basement had a small flood and ruined pretty much everything down there. We thought, now that's it's fully renovated (and not 1978 down there any longer) - let's get crazy and use this space? So we did!! It's a 4 lane 4' x 16' with ~68 ft lap length, of mostly AFX Tomy / AutoWorld H.O track complete with Race Coordinator / ViaSue timing, some minor decorating on the track, and a way-cool race room. Overall, it's our fun little project together. We have some other fun things coming down the pipe too!!



Matt & Carol are married best-friends, performers, songwriters, worship leaders, and music producers based in Amish Country (Lancaster County, PA). They’ve slowed down recently, but for many years their thriving tour schedule had them performing at 300+ live events each year in PA and neighboring states. Soft, sweet harmonies, full guitar, and lyrics exploring worship, nostalgia, and encouragement take the listener for a ride through their memorable and moving songs about real life and love. Speaking of that, they have no idea how many songs they've written, but it's got to be close to a thousand - and they're still writing their own lifelong love story. When not making beautiful music together, they enjoy traveling, staying home, and feeding their pseudo-pet, the stray tomcat they’ve nicknamed Buddy. Carol loves cooking, walking on the beach, and jigsaw puzzles. Matt enjoys crosswords, Bible study, chocolate, and petting wiener dogs.