The Mind of Jay


The wondering mind always leads to thoughts that challenge, provoke, incite, activates, stimulates, degrades, enlightens, and expands the mind. Have you ever wondered about the things around you that you haven't really have thought about? Welcome to The Mind of Jay LEGAL DISCLAIMER: All material, subjects, and topics discussed are for entertainment purposes only. I am not a professional and can not give any legal, financial, medical, or life advice. I am just a person talking about and sharing personal opinions and thoughts online for anyone willing to listen.

Ghost Towns and Mining Camps of Nevada and California.


I decided to start this channel out of pure enjoyment of exploring the old Ghost Towns of Nevada and California and the back country where they are found and, just to get the feel and sense of what the lives of those who lived there was like. Then a friend of mine who is into photography and had similar interest about the history and what it took to live back then decided to join, So that's how it all started...this channel is not about the paranormal... only history and exploring... we upload a new video every Sunday.

Camino al Centro


EL CAMINO A LA FELICIDAD, CAMINO AL CENTRO CAMINAR AL CENTRO es llegar a la sensación de estar de observador, desindentificado con el drama, la depresión el desamor y con la personalidad. Más interesado en la experiencia, la exploración y la emanación del ser, viendo todo como experiencia y expresión. Libérate y encuentra la paz, amor, libertad que da la consciencia desde El Centro. ¡Suscríbete!

Australian Mining for New Starters


Mining in Australia is complicated, there is no national system, each state and territory owns the minerals in the ground and they all have their own set of rules. Each different type of mining (Hardrock Underground, Open Cut, Coal, Oil &Gas or Iron Ore) requires a different approach and training for a new starter to get a result. This channel is here to do a weekly mining news update and help new starters understand the many different requirements each type of mining needs. Its a place you can ask any questions you might have about the industry and have them answered by someone with 20+ years in the industry.

Coal Mining In Pakistan


Welcome to Coal Mining in Pakistan, where we explore the untold stories and realities of the coal mining industry in Pakistan. From the rich coal reserves in Balochistan to the labor-intensive mines in Sindh, this channel delves into the lives of miners, the challenges they face, and the economic impact of coal mining on the country. Discover the history, modern advancements, environmental concerns, and the human element of this vital industry. Whether you're a researcher, student, or just curious about the backbone of Pakistan’s energy sector, this channel offers insights you won't find anywhere else. Subscribe

Clear your mind


Jag heter Martin och jag är en Human Potential Coach, besök gärna min hemsida för att komma i kontakt med mig. Disclaimer Detta är inte medicinsk rådgivning. Informationen från clear your mind är enbart för utbildnings och underhållningssyfte. Du bör inte använda informationen från clear your mind för att diagnostisera eller behandla något hälsoproblem eller som ersättning för medicinering eller annan behandling som föreskrivs av din läkare eller vårdgivare. Du bör rådgöra med en läkare eller sjukvårdspersonal innan du påbörjar något kost-, motions- eller kompletteringsprogram, innan du tar någon medicin eller något kosttillskott, eller om du har eller misstänker att du kan ha ett hälsoproblem. Not Medical Advice. The Content provided on is for informational purposes only and is not professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or care, nor is it intended to be a substitute therefor. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider properly licensed to practice medicine or general health care in your jurisdiction concerning any questions you may have regarding any Content obtained from and any medical condition you believe may be relevant to you or to someone else. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on Always consult with your physician or other qualified health care provider before embarking on a new treatment or fitness program. Content obtained from is not exhaustive and does not cover all diseases, ailments, physical conditions or their treatment.