

"Welcome to the Absent-Minded Affiliate Program channel! 🤝 Join us as we explore the world of affiliate marketing through the unique lens of absent-mindedness. Here, we'll share tips, tricks, and hilarious anecdotes about navigating the affiliate landscape while occasionally forgetting where we left our keys. Whether you're a seasoned affiliate marketer or just starting out, our content will entertain and educate you on the art of promoting products while keeping a scatterbrain in check. Subscribe and embark on this amusing affiliate journey with us!"

Critical Minds Building (C.M.B)


Welcome to CMB, a channel dedicated to providing a unique perspective on current events, music, sports, stocks, and culture within the black community. We strive to create engaging and thought-provoking content to start conversations and ignite change. Whether you’re a hip-hop fan, a sneakerhead, a music manager, or a community advocate, you’ll find something to enjoy here. Join us on our journey as we explore the world through a critical lens. Speaking on #clubhouse - https://bit.ly/3Qy0vOY www.newjackcitycmb.com #news #politics #hiphop #fashion #popculture #currentaffairs #NYC #ATL #CHICAGO #MIAMI #LA #clubhouse #trending #stayinformed #todayinhistory #music #culture #breakingnews #trending #breakingnews #knowledge #socialjustice #staywoke

Gang stalking Mind control Beast system End Times


Gang stalking - Electronic harassment - V2K - Electromagnetic weapons - Sonic weapons - Spiritual warfare - Gaslighting - PSYOPS - Street theatre - Weaponised psychiatry - Whistleblowers - Pedogate - Silencing the victims. Materials in PL and EN. Wstęp do tematyki zorganizowanego nękania [ang. gang stalking, electronic harassment] przez dużą grupę oprawców, z zastosowaniem najnowszych technologii oraz internetu, włamań do telefonów, komputerów oraz z wykorzystaniem portali społecznościowych, funkcji algorytmów "sztucznej inteligencji" [ang. Artificial Intelligence], obsługujących całą sieć. W momencie, w którym osoba zostaje wprowadzona do systemu, przez jakiegokolwiek psychopatę, który dysponuje tego typu technologiami lub zna innych, zajmujących się nękaniem, zostaje uruchomiony system osaczania ofiary w całej przestrzeni internetowej - konta bankowe, poczty e-mail, portale społecznościowe, wyświetlanie odpowiednich reklam w sieci. Dochodzi do tego również nękanie bezpośrednie przez dużą grupę zatrudnionych do tego "aktorów" i informatorów.

Free Your Mind with Pegg7344 Verified


This channel focuses on the various aspects within Self-Help. From Addiction to Anger Management to PTSD, I use my background in Cognitive Behavior techniques in helping the addicted, but instead of accepting the status quo, I'm questioning their conclusions. For example, who said nicotine was addicting? Would I behave differently, if I believed it wasn't? It won't matter the topic. The false narratives are everywhere. How have they trapped you? Free Your Mind!

Teachings on the Laws of Mind - Flip Your World Your Way


Throughout time and space we have been left nuggets to help guide us in our journey of life. This - all of it - is about Humanity and humanity is made up of individuals. The story of Science is just another way of telling the story in the Bible - the story of Humanity and in turn each one of us individually. It\'s so big you can\'t see it - you are in the thick of it. Cutting down the trees to see the forest. This is all a mind game. Learn the Principles behind it all and make it As You Wish. They were called Followers of the Way. There is only one way - yours! Come learn all about it - if you dare.