Our tech channel caters to technology enthusiasts, covering a wide range of topics from virtual reality to artificial intelligence to keep you updated on the latest technological advancements.


Our tech channel provides accurate and up-to-date information on the latest gadgets and tech trends. We offer in-depth reviews, comparisons, and tutorials to help you make informed decisions when purchasing new tech products. Whether you're a tech enthusiast or seeking helpful tips, our channel has something for everyone. Explore the world of technology with us and discover endless possibilities.

Intellectually Correct


This community is about giving people the tools they need to transcend the mediocrity and serfdom which modern society herds us towards. This necessarily includes becoming politically, philosophically, culturally, nutritionally, medically, and above all spiritually informed. I want America to be saved, but the mere political salvation of a nation is like the rearranging of deck chairs on the Titanic. A nation's soul must be saved through the salvation of its people by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.