Defend Truth Ministries
6 FollowersWe are a community across churches seeking and emphasizing the need for reformation, unity, and revival in the Church.
Texas Ephraim Ministries International
6 FollowersTexas Ephraim Ministries is looking for the 10 lost tribes of Israel, who are scattered all over the world. Jesus Christ came looking for the "lost sheep of the house of Israel" as He tells in Matthew 10:5-7 and Matthew 15:24. We believe that Jesus is the Son of God the Father and came as the Messiah to become the perfect sacrifice for all of mankind’s sin so that all could have eternal life. Three days after he died he was raised from the dead and now sits at the right hand side of the Father. We believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues as well as healing, deliverance, miracles, signs and wonders. We believe in utilizing the five-fold ministry and are led by real, Torah-observant Prophets. You are welcome to come join this great move of God happening right now on the face of this earth!
Cloudmining Crypto currency
6 FollowersDedicated to finding profitable Cloudmining Crypto currency
Grace Ministry
6 FollowersChristian Grace Mnistry
Prophetic Live Giving Channel Ministry´s - Deutsch
6 FollowersGottes Stimme zur den Nationen\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nICH BIN NUR EIN DIENSTKNECHT UND DIENE UM DICH IN EINEN LIEBESBEZIEHUNG MIT JESUS ZU BRINGEN UM DICH ZU BINDEN AN SEINEM HERZEN SO DAS DU DEINEN WEG MIT GOTT WANDELN KANNST UM ALL DIE DINGEN ZU TUN WOFÜR ER DICH BERUFEN HAT ZU TUN UND ZU SEIN.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nVERGESSE UNS, VERGESSE MICH, ABER VERGESSE NIEMALS DEN LIEBHABER DEINER SEELE ZU LIEBEN. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nGLAUBE MIR, WIR SIND NICHTS ANDERS ALS HEIßBLÜTIGE LIEBHABER VON UNSER GOTT, DIE DIR DEN WEG ZEIGEN ZUR SEINEM HERZEN UND ZUR SEINEM KÖNIGREICH UND NICHT DEN WEG ZUR EINEN VERSAMMLUNG, ODER EINEN PASTOR, EINEN PROPHET ODER EINEN APOSTEL ODER WAS FÜR EINEN DIENST DAN AUCH. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nJA WIR KOMMEN ALS VÄTER UND WIR WERDEN DICH LIEBEN WIE EINEN WAHRHAFTIGE VATER. BEI ZEITEN WIRST DU EINEN ZÜCHTIGUNG BEKOMMEN WENN DU UNS EINEN VATER FÜR EUCH SEIN LÄSST, ABER MIT TRÄNEN IN HERZEN UND IN UNSER AUGEN TRAINIEREN UND ERZIEHEN WIR DICH DAMIT DU EINS WIRST MIT DEN LIEBHABER DEINER SEELE. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nNiemals soll irgendeinen Dienstknecht über dich herrschen, über deine Wille hinweg bestimmen was gut für dich ist. Es gibt nur einer die deine Herr und Meister ist und das ist der Liebhaber deiner Seele, Jesus! (Jeshua) Sei gesegnet und geliebt durch den Vater, den Sohn und der Heiliger Geist und Wandel mit Gott den allerhöchste, den Schöpfer deiner Seele. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nIch bin dein Dienstknecht, Apostel Prophet Johannes John und ich diene dir mit alles was mein Vater mir gegeben hat dir zu überreichen damit du gedeihst und stark wirst in das kennen und tun von Gottes Wille für dein Leben, für dein Herz, für deine Seele. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nIn Gottes Dienst und in Seiner Auftrag:
6 FollowersPastors Stephen & Karen Wells
5 FollowersProphetic Messages for Today
Isaiah 1:18 Ministries
5 FollowersWe are a ministry page focussed on the task of preparing and equipping the church to reach the people in this dark age, through revealing the acts of darkness. Through this, we desire to reconcile those trapped in sin as they see the truth of their need for repentance. The videos will cover events in this world as they relate to Biblical truth and teachings but our focus will be on providing scripture-based teachings.
In All Things Ministires
5 FollowersStreams of Faith, Hope, and Love to in God's will for our lives.
Ministere Priere de grace et vie
5 FollowersOur goal is to continuously seeking God presence.
Eugenia Cooney Rescue Mission
5 FollowersSomeone Save Eugenia Cooney!!!
5 FollowersSeed Of Faith Ministries
5 FollowersThis Channel Is For The Glory Of Yahuah And Yahusha. You Can Find Me On Patreon Under Seed Of Faith Ministries Or You Can Listen To My Online Radio Station On Zeno Fm Called Christian Love Radio. I Am Also On Blogger Under Seed Of Faith Blog. I Also Have An Online Store On Teespring Called The Christian Shop.
5 FollowersTreemendousGlassets
5 Followerslemuelbakerministry
5 FollowersMinisterThomas777
5 FollowersThe Church of Truth Ministries
5 FollowersAt Truth we strive to teach the Bible and to help meet the needs of our community.
Ghost Towns and Mining Camps of Nevada and California.
5 FollowersI decided to start this channel out of pure enjoyment of exploring the old Ghost Towns of Nevada and California and the back country where they are found and, just to get the feel and sense of what the lives of those who lived there was like. Then a friend of mine who is into photography and had similar interest about the history and what it took to live back then decided to join, So that's how it all started...this channel is not about the paranormal... only history and exploring... we upload a new video every Sunday.
Battle Ready Miniatures
5 FollowersGTM
5 FollowersGospel Total Ministry
Citizens of Heaven Ministries
5 FollowersThe United Pentecostal Church - Citizens of Heaven Ministries was founded in Camden, New Jersey by Pastor Cristobal Cordero and his wife Rosie Cordero in the late 1970s. Both of whom are now with the Lord. We are a Bible-believing ministry with the vision of reaching the whole world with the truth of God's Word. Our goal is to fulfill our role in the great commission by spreading the truth of the gospel. Moreover, our ministry's dream is to become an anchor to both our local and worldwide communities by providing resources/support for those in need.
Tactical Mini Mods and Reviews
5 FollowersFeminists for Life of America
5 FollowersAbortion is a reflection that our society has failed to meet the needs of women. Women deserve better.
HFD Ministries
5 FollowersMinistry dedicated to preaching the gospel; specializing in healing and deliverance.
It Ain't Over Ministries
5 FollowersIt Ain't Over Ministries
5 FollowersMini Golf
5 FollowersJoin us as we travel the country playing different mini golf courses. From traditional to wild and crazy!
Eagles Refuge Ministries
5 FollowersThe Dabble Ministry
5 Followersgameplays, streams and everything in-between. troll poster. waifu respector.
The Misadventures of the MINI
5 Followers2007 MINI COOPER S - From fixing mechanical problems to repairing crash damage. And maybe a little bit of aftermarket bling.
a ministry of The ROCK Christian Fellowship
5 Followersdevotionals and encouragement for the heartbroken who receive only breadcrumbs of affection from their loved ones
Of One Accord Ministry of Appalachia
5 FollowersA Christian Helps Ministry serving some of Appalachia's lowest income families. We still see families living without bathrooms or running water in their homes. Join us in the fight to end poverty.
The Minister's Friend
5 FollowersA resource designed to come alongside to support and equip the minister to fulfill their calling
5 FollowersJesus Christ Worldwide Ministries .org. is spreading the Gospel Message World Wide
Last Stand Ministries
5 FollowersSharing the Gospel Of Jesus Christ and encouraging others to make a stand for Jesus in these endtimes... We stand on the Word of God and teach people to repent, turn to Jesus, follow Him and to stay out of sin.. This is the time to stand for truth no matter the cost!!!
Truth and Mercy Baptist Ministries
5 FollowersJoshua Joscelyn, Th.M., writes and speaks on theology, creation, politics, & history. He founded Truth & Mercy Baptist Ministries in 2010 to preach truth balanced with love. The threefold ministry focus is Christ\\\'s Lordship (Phil. 2:11), to provide answers (1 Pet. 3:15) in all matters of life and godliness (Acts 20:27; 2 Pet. 1:3), and exhorting the Church to return to the principles of God\\\'s Word, divorced from the political and religious correctness of the day. He is the author of "Repentance From Sin: How Antinomianism Disarmed the Gospel and Not the Sinner" (available on Amazon).
Exodus Ministries
5 FollowersWOFMI Indonesia - Spiritual Warfare Ministry
5 FollowersPelayanan pengajaran Injil non-denominasi yang dipenuhi Roh untuk hal-hal yang dalam tentang Tuhan Yesus, Peperangan Spiritual & berjalan dalam Kuasa Roh Kudus!