10/10/10K Sports Bets


This channel is dedicated to posting daily bets with the goal of turning $10 to $10k in 10 days. We will also post a variety of sports videos consisting of daily and weekly highlights and news. THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS CHANNEL IS FOR RECREATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND WE ARE NOT LIABLE FOR ANY LOSSES ANYONE INCURS FROM THE INFORMATION PROVIDED THROUGH THIS CHANNEL. GAMBLE AT YOUR OWN RISK. GAMBLING PROBLEM CONTACT THE NATIONAL PROBLEM GAMBLING HELPLINE @ 1-800-522-4700

The truth behind Brazilan politics


This channel has as main objective the analysis of political, scientific, cultural, philosophical and etc. contents. We also intend to divulge trips to different countries and ecological and anthropological parks and the local culture of the people.contents of the new world: amazonia.tropical forests, culture of the novices, day of the people of latin america, parties, violence and their economies, in addition to a general coverage of the political and social geography of the people of the world

The Weather'd Report


"The only winning move is, not to play the game!" and That is what The Weather'd Report is all about Me and my co-hosts will discuss and debate the news of the day while steering the listeners to a realm where you are the master of your success. From Survival to Art, from Music to Gardening, from practical living to prepping for emergencies. Our listeners will find something to grab on to, something to sink there teeth into and learn that freedom must be taken, it cannot be given to you