5 Minutes by Great Meditation


Welcome to 5 Minutes by Great Meditation, a new Channel. All our videos consist of our own original guided meditations, written, recorded and produced by one of our own team members. We are focused on providing short, easy-to-follow guided meditations that can fit into even the busiest of schedules. Our 5 minute meditations are designed to help you relax, unwind, and find a moment of calm in your day. Whether you are new to meditation or an experienced practitioner, we have something for everyone. So take a break, find a comfortable spot, and join us for a quick meditation to help you refresh and recharge. Thank you for choosing 5 Minutes by Great Meditation.

Feliciart Atelier by Vivian Sol


My name is Vivian Sol, I'm an artisan at Creative Sewing and here on the channel, I teach in a didactic and easy way, how to start creative sewing, with step-by-step videos and simple tutorials with several pieces for beginners. Feliciart Atelier by Vivian Sol, was created with the aim of simplifying and demystifying crafts through sewing. My main objective is to share the knowledge I have acquired during the time I am in this beautiful and challenging activity. Welcome to my channel and I hope I can contribute to your growth in the art of creative sewing!

Questioning the Bible Verse by Verse


Welcome to Questioning the Bible Verse by Verse, a deep dive into the scriptures like you've never experienced before. Join me as I explore the Bible one verse at a time using the King James Bible and Strong's Concordance, revealing insights that are often hidden in plain sight. In this series, I pause to reflect on each individual verse, uncovering meanings and connections that enrich our understanding of God's Word. Whether you're a longtime Bible reader or just beginning your journey, you'll find something new and thought-provoking in every episode. Having read the Bible multiple times, I'm excited to share the incredible discoveries I've made while studying each verse in depth. Together, let's explore the profound wisdom and truths contained within the Bible's pages. Tune in to Questioning the Bible Verse by Verse for a thoughtful and enlightening exploration of scripture that invites you to see the Bible in a whole new light.

Mágia, meditácia, mystika Verified


Na našom kanáli nájdeš hodnotné príspevky o témach, ako sú spiritualita, meditácia, spájanie partnerov a mystika, ktoré moderujeme my – dvaja dlhoroční experti v oblasti meditácie a bielej mágie: Pavol a Marion. ➡️ Hľadáš odpovede v oblasti sebarealizácie alebo hlbokú motiváciu na prekonanie náročnej životnej situácie? Zaujímajú ťa témy, ktoré presahujú klasickú psychológiu, a chceš lepšie pochopiť seba samého a život? 💡 Cenné poznatky z oblasti bielej mágie, voodoo, spirituálnej hudby, ľúbostnej mágie, ochrannej mágie, meditácie a mystiky – priamo od nás alebo od našich hosťujúcich odborníkov! ➡️ Tento kanál je tiež zdrojom sebapomoci, pretože pravidelne zdieľame inšpirujúce knižné odporúčania, ktoré ťa cielene podporia na tvojej spirituálnej ceste. Prihlás sa na odber tohto kanála ešte dnes!

Mysteries of the Bible


Mysteries of the Bible Welcome to Mysteries of the Bible, your ultimate destination for exploring the hidden truths, profound revelations, and enigmatic secrets of the Holy Scriptures. Dive deep into the Bible's most intriguing mysteries, from prophetic visions and ancient codes to unexplained events and spiritual insights. Join us as we uncover the secrets of the Old Testament, decode the symbolism of the Book of Revelation, and examine the untold stories behind biblical figures. Whether you're seeking answers about end-time prophecies, lost civilizations, or the spiritual mysteries of the Bible, this channel is your guide to understanding the deeper layers of God's Word. 🔍 What We Offer: In-depth studies on biblical mysteries and hidden meanings. Analysis of prophecies and their relevance today. Exploration of ancient texts, symbols, and spiritual truths. Thought-provoking discussions on faith, history, and theology. 📖 Why Watch Mysteries of the Bible? If you're passionate about biblical studies, Christian apologetics, or simply curious about the unsolved mysteries of the Bible, this channel is for you. Our mission is to inspire, educate, and ignite your faith through revealing content that connects the ancient world with modern understanding. ✨ Subscribe and hit the notification bell to stay updated on our latest videos. Let’s journey together into the mysteries of the Bible and uncover the truths that transform lives. #MysteriesOfTheBible #BiblicalSecrets #BibleStudy #Prophecy #Revelation #ChristianFaith #SpiritualTruths

Ex-Satanist Saved by Jesus Christ


I am a follower of Jesus Christ, and I am here to share the love of God. As an ex-Satanist, I hope that by sharing my experiences, I can make others aware of how the devil deceives people into following him. If you are into Satanism or the occult, I hope this channel will bless you. Jesus loves you, and He can save you from the darkness. Nothing is too big for Him to deal with. Jesus defeated Satan on the cross, and He took your sins and mine upon Himself so that we can be forgiven. “What do you think? If any man has a hundred sheep, and one of them goes astray, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains, and go and search for the one that is lost? And if it turns out that he finds it, truly I say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine that have not gone astray. So it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven for one of these little ones to perish." Matthew 18: 12-14 (NASB) God bless you.

Treasures of the Bible


Treasures of the Bible is a channel dedicated to exploring the hidden riches within the Holy Scriptures. Here, we dive deep into biblical teachings, offering reflections, studies, and uplifting messages to strengthen your faith and inspire your walk with God. Our goal is to reveal the treasures of the Word in a clear, practical, and transformative way, helping you live out eternal principles in your daily life. Join us in discovering the beauty and wisdom of the Bible!

Sim's Bible Reflection: Faith, Scripture & Bible Prophecy


Welcome to Sim's Bible Reflection—a space for spiritual growth, faith, and understanding of God’s Word in today’s world. Our Mission: Illuminating God’s Word: Faith for Today, Strength for Tomorrow. (Psalm 119:105) What you’ll discover: Faith & Scripture: Christ-centered teachings and practical guidance for daily life. Bible Prophecy: Explore the prophetic messages in Scripture and their relevance for modern times. Daily Devotionals: Uplifting reflections to inspire hope and strength. Spiritual Growth: Tools to deepen your faith and navigate life’s challenges. 🔔 Respectful Engagement: We encourage constructive dialogue and diverse perspectives as we journey together in faith and truth. 💡 Subscribe now for weekly videos filled with encouragement, wisdom, and biblical insights to strengthen your faith.

Edify by the Word


History, Politics, Economy, Education, & Theology as discerned by Holy Scripture False teachers and usurious salesmen, inspired by the doctrines of devils, have deceived our places of learning - home, church, and work. A repentant soul, having accepted the forgiveness of the Lord God, studies with discernment according to His holy Scripture (Bible). The disciple of the resurrected Jesus Christ (Logos/Alpha & Omega), Son of God and perfect sacrifice for mankind's sin, prayerfully presses on in the Way, Truth, and Life under the comfort and guidance of His Holy Spirit. In obedience to the Creator, the adopted child of the Lord God matures in our corrupted world amid those still dead in sin, while combating the wiles of the Devil - father of deception, witchcraft, and conspiracy. Forever will the unrepentant reside in the damnation of hell.The Lord's faithful receive abundant, eternal life made perfect in heaven. Jesus Christ will forever reign over a new heaven and earth. https://edifybytheword.blogspot.com/