STAR SPLITTER: A Sci-fi Audiobook Podcast


Telepaths, Clones, Androids, Zombies, and Alien Monsters...This anthology experience is immersive and headphones are recommended... Enter a universe of sci-fi sound effects, music, and stories that'll leave you wanting more... WELCOME TO STAR SPLITTER. Created, Written, and Narrated by Danny Kuehn (IG: @realdannykuehn ) Directed, Produced, Mixed, and Edited by David Bloom (IG: @mrbl00m ) Cover Art created by Ira (@rebecacovers on Fiverr) *All Rights Reserved*

Star Citizen Raw MrE


Raw Gameplay, Raw Interviews, Each interview is numbered and delivered in 3 formats, Unedited Full (no editing at all, flaws and all), Edited (Full interview audio adjusted when needed, subtitles, dead space and less relevant parts taken out, and Edited Short (audio adjusted, subtitled taste of the interview with choice moments). Anything labeled Raw is just that. Maybe an intro and/or outro sheered in for flavor but sheer unadulterated gameplay. Hope you Enjoy. Thank You MR_E-00

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Talk about the strangeness and wonders of animals.


The wonders and strangeness of animals are many of course because animals are many and many species are many millions, and in each animal there is a strange aspect has been created in it, so the talk on this side will be by selecting the most famous wonders and strangeness in the animal world by describing animals and what they do strange things, it is that crocodiles swallow rocks that keep them in their stomachs to be more like a scaffold to help them balance themselves and be able to dive well...