Justice For The Peace


Justice For The Peace Welcome🙋‍♀️ to our channel. 🦗🦗Kindly follow my channel for real knowledge.👌👌👌👌 Ready to break free from the ordinary? Adalot (Court) on RUMBLE is your escape hatch! Ditch the small talk and join us for wild adventures, deep dives, and humorous takes on🙋‍♀️ contemporary issues. We tackle clips, shorts, reels and full topics with a fresh perspective and a whole lot of heart. Follow up for my channel. Thanks

Latina Homesteader


The Latina Homesteader – an urban Latina living in the country! Hosting discussions on creating a parallel lifestyle with greater independence and growing food security. How to get started, raising chickens, common mistakes, planning and gardening effectively. I am on this journey with y'all, there are so many of people just like you and me wanting to learn this valuable skills and share them. Discussions with mentors, experts and novices on issues ranging from prepping, homeschooling, hunting and how to's. Thank you for joining me on the journey

Farmer Johns Urban Farmstead


If society has moved to the left then the dissident right has become the new counter culture. This new counter culture is founded on the principles of personal responsibility, independence and self reliance. If those are the pillars of a parallel populis and economy then we need to live it. This channel will chart my journey as I re-learn old skills, learn new ones and slowly build a life based on those principles. So here's a shout out to Academic Agent, as I build my little bit of Trumpton. We have to build on the ground upon which we stand or lose everything our ancestors built, we cannot afford excuses about not having everything handed to us, we have to start where we are with what we have. You can do this too, I hope this channel inspires you to try. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT3UnN8nKnK-7wYuWfurOLQ https://odysee.com/@FarmerJohn https://www.bitchute.com/channel/2OisEB0FdQGI https://www.subscribestar.com/farmer-john

Number One In Moos


We are a live news show dedicated to being crazy and having fun with the news. We will cover local news and some national news that matters to everyone. What makes our show unique is we will be streaming live news to you with a sprinkling of humor, local artists, live entertainment and the occasional farm animal because we are broadcasting from a barn. The purpose of creating this show is to incorporate all of individual talents to create an entertaining and one of a kind show. Created by the Hollywood Farmstead Founders: Joe Harvey, Justin Sluis and Tommy Kozup and with help from our production crew. Our crew is a vast network of artists and producers from all over the Southeast Michigan area. We have all of the elements to make something special, talent, facility, equipment and passion.

Expediton Homestead


Expedition Homestead is all about sharing the passion of homesteading and gardening with you! On our channel we like to cover all kinds of plants during all times of the year so we are always coming out with new gardening content! I started the channel covering only indoor plants and succulents but have since made huge expansions in our outdoor gardens and grow a ton of vegetable crops every year. Right now we have .35 acres which is not a large lot by any means but we will show you just how much can be done on such a small plot of land. Happy Gardening!!!