Azadpur Ministries

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Praise The Jesus Name ________________________ जय मसीह की सभी को। हमारे इस channel पर हम यीशु मसीह के बारे में ज्यादा से ज्यादा वीडियो डालते है। जैसे कि - गवाही, गाने, वचन, बाइबिल की शिक्षा, और भी बहुत सी video जिससे आप यीशु मसीह के बारे में जान सके। और साथ ही आप दूसरों को भी बता सके । कृपया हमारे इस channel को Subscribe करे । और यीशु मसीह का नाम ऊँचा करे । प्रभु आप सभी को आशीष दे। [ योएल 2:28 उन बातों के बाद मैं सब प्राणियों पर अपना आत्मा उण्डेलूँगा; तुम्हारे बेटे-बेटियाँ भविष्यद्वाणी करेंगी, और तुम्हारे पुरनिये स्वप्न देखेंगे, और तुम्हारे जवान दर्शन देखेंगे। ] _____________________________ Hindi Christian Songs ..😇 _____________________________ #Founder of Azadpur Ministries : Rahul Chandra RC Please Contact me Any Queries .👇👇 E-mail : __________________________________________ ©AzadpurMinistries® __________________________________________ Follow us Facebook & Instagram 👇👇

Deep in the Heart Ministries

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Life is full of challenges. People hurt people; we hurt people; tragedies & loss occur. It's difficult to talk about the things we have buried deep in our hearts, but there is a Jesus who wants to go DEEP into YOUR heart. Jesus wants to meet you at your deepest point of pain and despair. Quit trying to carry and bury your pain. He is the only one that can bring purpose from your pain, beauty from your brokenness, and freedom from your failures. This conference showcases the "HEART" (His Truth Endures, Adores, & Restores) of our Father through raw & real stories by real women who have encountered a real Jesus. For more information on our conferences, podcast, or donations to our 501 c-3 Non Profit, please visit

BA Profit Mastery – Resale Rights Video

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FBA Profit Mastery – Resale Rights Video is a game-changing video course that reveals the secrets to making money on Amazon through the FBA program. This course will teach you how to choose profitable products, create effective ad campaigns, and manage your Amazon business. With this course, you can earn up to $10,000 per month working just a few hours a week. Plus, you'll get resale rights to the video course, allowing you to earn even more money by selling it to others.


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Do you want a YouTube channel to push forth you? Want to become a tech-savvy marketer? Well, then here is a course designed just for you! We have designed a complete course to help you understand and master YouTube from scratch. A beginners course to help you turn from a newbie to master in just a few hours. You will have the opportunity to work with new and emerging technologies, study the most recent trends and learn from established experts and Guru in the area of YouTube marketing, MD JAHID HASAN. Welcoming you to our channel "TechMasteryt" , we hope you'll enjoy our videos. Contact -