Analisi Psicologica Criminale


In qualità di consulente psicologico, sto avviando un canale su YouTube dove esplorerò in profondità i principi psicologici dietro ai veri crimini. Analizzando i profili psicologici dei criminali, spero di aiutare i miei spettatori a comprendere meglio i fenomeni criminali e offrire consigli pratici per la prevenzione e la protezione. Che tu sia uno studente, un professionista o semplicemente uno spettatore interessato, offrirò spunti avvincenti e conoscenze preziose. Approfondiamo insieme la psicologia dei veri crimini e lavoriamo per costruire una società più sicura!

Shifa Technical


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Calibration Project


Calibrating life to the standard of scripture. I am an engineer, I love science, I love ancient history, and I want to share some of that with you. My particular interest is the science and history of the beginnings, from Creation through approximately the Exodus in the Bible. “To Calibrate” in science, means to bring an instrument’s measurements into conformance with a standard, in order to accurately record and accurately convey information. Most critically in our lives, our minds need to be calibrated so that we think accurately and understand reality. The standard of truth to which I seek to calibrate my thinking is the Bible. (The Bible is God’s revealed truth to man, and is therefore the standard by which I seek to calibrate my mind and my thoughts).

Electrical Ops


First, thanks for stopping by and checking out what I have posted. This channel was created to promote the electrical trade. Industry wide we are experiencing a shortage in qualified motivated trades people. The intent of this channel is to offer a perspective into the trade so young folks can get an idea of what this trade can be like. There is no doubt that this is a hard trade. It is a very rewarding trade if you are working with the right people. It is my intention to add more videos and even offer some how to type videos. Please keep in mind that this is a channel built and managed by an electrician, not a social media expert! If you are potential customer or trainee please feel free to contact me on the website contact page Thank you and stay tuned for updates!