Delta Pines Subdivision


Hello! I have created this channel is to demonstrate my version and techniques of model railroading with the progress of my own personal HO scale layout called the Delta Pines Subdivision and my son's N scale modular layout by sharing with you some how to videos of scenery and upgrading my locomotives and rolling stock with DCC & sound while including some rail fanning videos which are great for reference. I hope this channel gives you inspiration as your beginning/continuing your own layout or even if your getting interested in the "Worlds Greatest Hobby"! If you are interested in hiring my services of doing decoder installations and/or layout design, feel free to check out my website.

The Truth Window


Whenever and wherever I find wide departures from the truth, I will speak. The Truth Window will address tough topics in any subject or arena. Censorship be damned. As George Orwell said so well, “In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” Sadly, I find myself walking through the land of liars. Up is down, left is right, and right is wrong. We all must find our voices. The Truth Window is mine. -Diogenes You can find all my podcasts at