Make Linux Work


The stated mission of this channel is to bring a Right-Wing userbase to the Free and Open-Source movement (FOSS). We are in more need than any other subdivision of society of the privacy and dissent-preserving qualities that FOSS has to offer; though unfortunately, most of its advocatoes and innovators up to this point have been staunch members of the Left-Wing. While we do thank them for their innumerable contributions and tireless dedication, it's time for us to start taking advantage of a movement that was (by all appearances) virtually built for us - and unlike the people they invite into OUR territories, we don't plan on destroying everything as soon as we get there. I believe we have more to contribute than even we give ourselves credit for. ----Won't you join me for a Right-Wing Linux Revolution?

Matt Waters


Hello! My name is Matt Waters, I am a bladesmith in Colorado. I love forging knives and the brute-de-forge style, and started bladesmithing around 15 years ago. I love creating work that pushes the limit of my creativity and skill, and have a passion for teaching what I know. If you are interested in owning one of my knives, please visit my website. If you are however interested in learning this craft for yourself, please visit my Skool community where I have online bladesmithing courses for sale on demand.

Make America


Second only to having our war-time Commander in Chief on your show is retired U.S. Army Major General Paul E Vallely! A decorated Vietnam Veteran, Commander of Spec Ops, Special Forces, and Psychological Operations – husband, father, and the oldest General in West Point history to lead troops into battle… Little does the world know that in 2017, MG Vallely facilitated the now-famous “passing of the soccer ball” meeting between President Trump and Putin. Patriots love that in 2014, Trump adopted the “America First” policy co-drafted by none other than MG Vallely and BG Charles Jones (USAF)y. It’s also unfortunate deep state media ran hit pieces on him, blasting he was going to send 250,000 soldiers into DC and remove Obama for We the People back in 2015…