

Welcome to Subliminal Aid ! We specialize in subliminal videos designed to support personal growth and well-being. Our content focuses on enhancing testosterone levels and improving overall body and mind performance.While our content primarily targets males, any video labeled "Unisex" in the title is suitable for both male and female viewers. Original Content: All subliminals are meticulously created by us, ensuring originality and quality. Each video includes affirmations that are either audible or faintly heard to prevent misunderstandings. A script for each video is provided in the description. Disclaimer: None of our videos claim to replace professional care (entertainment / personal growth purposes ONLY!). We emphasize the importance of consulting healthcare professionals for any personal health concerns.I am not a doctor or healthcare worker.

Mastering Apex Legends, Dominate the Battlefield with MrAizen.


Welcome to MrAizen's gaming haven, where the pursuit of mastery in Apex Legends comes to life! Join us on an exhilarating journey as we delve into the intricacies of the battlefield, providing expert insights, strategic gameplay, and tactical tips. Unleash your true potential as a legend as we conquer opponents and navigate the challenges of the Apex Games together. Subscribe now for a front-row seat to adrenaline-pumping victories, in-depth guides, and an ever-growing community of like-minded gamers. Elevate your Apex Legends experience with MrAizen – where dominance is not just a goal; it's a way of gaming life!

MATSATI.COM Teaching Ministry


The website MATSATI.COM Teaching Ministry (and YouTube Channel) contains various articles and videos covering a variety of topics including Biblical commentaries on the weekly Torah portion, the Psalms, Isaiah, insights we learn from the latest Scientific research in chemistry and physics. The goal is to deepen our faith and relationship with the Lord while learning more about His word (the Bible). It is my goal to help inspire, educate, encourage, and motivate everyone as we all serve together in the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) for the furthering of His Kingdom! These studies look at the Hebrew (Masoretic Text), Aramaic (Targumim), and Greek (Septuagint) Scriptures, coupled with studies in the rabbinic literature (the Talmud, the Mishnah, Midrashim, and Jewish commentary). Dr. Duane D. Miller has been studying the Hebrew Scriptures and the Torah for 20+ years and sharing what he has learned. The studies developed for MATSATI.COM are freely to be used by everyone, to God be the Glory!

Dezvaluiri cu Iosefina Pascal - BZI Live Romania


Dezvăluiri în cotidianul BZI ("Bună Ziua Iași") făcute de moderatorul Valentin Huțanu la emisiuni video online "BZI Live", alături de invitata online Iosefina Pascal (jurnalistă de investigații independentă, activistă civic și realizatoare de emisiuni radio & tv), despre ceea ce se întâmplă în România, dar și despre dificila realitate internațională, detalii și informații spectaculoase, dincolo de manipulări, fake-news-uri și dezinformări. Cotidianul BZI este numarul 1 în presa ieșeană ! Misiunea noastră este de a informa publicul local, dar și național, cu știri în timp real. Suntem cel mai important ziar al comunității ieșene. Cotidianul BZI ocupă locul 1 în topul ziarelor locale din România și locul 5 în clasamentul tuturor ziarelor din țară. Toate cifrele de audiență ne conferă poziția de cel mai bun cotidian local din România. Doar pe site-ul nostru ( găsiți cele mai bune anchete, dezvăluiri, reportaje emoționante și toate știrile în timp real din Iași, din regiunea Moldovei și din România. Vreți să fiți bine informat, citiți "Bună Ziua Iași" ! Ediții ale emisiunii "Dezvaluiri cu Iosefina Pascal - BZI Live" în: - canalul video "Dezvaluiri cu Iosefina Pascal - BZI Live Romania" din site-ul - secțiunea Toate video-urile utilizatorului "Dezvaluiri cu Iosefina Pascal - BZI Live Romania" din site-ul Articolele emisiunilor video de dezvăluiri cu Iosefina Pascal în site-ul cotidianului BZI: Articole BZI diverse în Google News:

Ends of the Earth Gospel and Scripture Ministry


From the ends of the earth, we aim to evangelize with the gospel preaching return to God's original intent for mankind to have the right relationship with Him through Yeshua (Salvation). The focus will be upon teaching all scripture and keeping what is written in scripture, to include in the first five books. The Polynesian Triangle is the ends of the earth from Jerusalem and we want to preach to others to prepare a straight path to follow God to prepare the ministry of the Messianic believers of the 12 tribes of Israel to bring the word of Salvation around the world and until the ends of the earth per Isaiah 49:6.



The channel which hosts Broadcasts from The Word of God,through Jesus Christ,Street & Outreach Ministry. The Broadcasts are from The Ministry's Vault,(dating back to 1996),and featuring MANY DIFFERENT Ministers in The 5-Fold Ministry... ©copyright 2022 THE WORD OF GOD,THROUGH JESUS CHRIST, STREET & OUTREACH MINISTRY** ++ALL RIGHTS RESERVED++ (475)300-3850**Incorporated in CO,CT,IN,NC,SC,MS,TN,TX,WI** #THEHOLYGHOSTAPPROVESOFTHISMESSAGE #THEWORDOFGODTJCSOTVPRODUCTION #VIDEOSFILMEDINTHISMINISTRY #THEWORDOFGODTJCSOTELECAST ~PLEASE EXCUSE ANY AND ALL TYPOS THAT YOU SEE IN THIS DOCUMENT~