NickMal Gaming


Just kinda doing whatever video games related stuff for YouTube on the side more or less for fun and hope it ends up going some place. I'd really like to play games to their fullest and make fair reviews based on what I've seen. I am always open to suggestions of what to play next but also kinda trying to keep up with new releases as well, I will attempt to have video's posted daily at 10am US Eastern. Also be warned, I tend to just run into new games blindly and learn about them over time as I record gameplay. Mostly just because I'm a dope that like's to make things harder on himself. I'm not a professional gamer to any degree, just an idiot who tend's to suck at games that and games tend to hate me. As always I hope you guys enjoy!

Typical Gamer


Welcome to Typical Gamer- a haven for every gaming fanatic out there! Live stream your favourite games, forge lasting friendships with fellow gamers, and consistently challenge your skills with an assortment of games. Typical Gamer provides you with the opportunity to play all games across all genres. From fun casual games to heart racing action-packed games, Typical Gamer has it all. So whether you wish to conquer virtual worlds on your own or with a team, Typical Gamer is your go-to gaming platform.

InVitaReali - Retro and modern video game streams. Mostly gameplay, sometimes random tech or bike live streams.


Videos of classic video game playthroughs many of which are first time or visits of never finished. Looking at a variety of systems mostly of ones that can be played on low powered or portable hardware. Might be a spattering of 3d printings using a stock budget 3d printer here and there as well. Occasionally some live bike riding action. For my technology and streaming resources videos check out ProculNotitia: