كوكب المعلومات

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,مرحبًا مرحبًا بك في "كوكب المعلومات". في قناتنا على رونبل، نقوم بإنشاء وتوفير محتوى مليء بالمعرفة والمعلومات الشيقة حول كل أنواع الأشياء. واللغة الرئيسية للمحتوى هي العربية Hi There, Welcom to "كوكب المعلومات" wich is Arabic for "The planet of knowledge". In our Rumble-channel we create and provide content full of knowledge and interesting informations about all kind of things. The content language is mainly in Arabic.

Financial Planner, Option Trader, Option Writer, Strategy Maker

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Full time Stock Market Investor - Financial Planner, Mutual Fund, Traders, Strategy Maker, Option Traders, Option writer, Nature Lover, Freelancer यह चेनल पुरी तरह से एजुकेशन परपस के लिए बनाया गया है आप सभी मेरे चेनल से जुड़ सकते हैं अपने व्यू शेयर कर सकते हैं ट्रेडिंग क्या है और कैसे आप को ट्रेड करना है शेयर बाजार में अपनी रिस्क को कैसे मैनेज करें ! मेरे चेनल के द्वारा आप तरह तरह से ट्रेड लेना सीख सकते हैं की कैसे आप Option Trading कर सकते हैं और option के जरिये आप किसे ट्रेड ले सकते हैं. आप इस चेनल पर काफी तरह की स्ट्रेटेजी सीखेंगे ! आप हमसे जुड़ सकते हैं आप हमें mail भी कर सकते हैं

Online Business Plane

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This channel will provide online business training courses and programs. An internet business is a type of business that operates primarily on the internet. It could involve selling products or services, offering online courses, providing digital content, or providing various other types of online services. An online business can be run from anywhere and has the ability to reach a global customer base. They usually require lower overhead costs compared to a traditional business, making them a popular choice for entrepreneurs and small business owners.


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Men and Women need to get back to Basics. "When the Purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable" Relationships | Marriage | Lifestyle | Culture Life's Struggles | Coaching | Consultant Men's Image Consulting | Style __________________________________________________________ Facebook: @CaptainCaplan Instagram: @cptcaplan Rumble: Captaincaplan Twitter: @CptCaplan _________________________________________________________ Support what we do CASHAPP :- $CptCaplan PATREON :- CaptainCaplan __________________________________________________________ *PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY OF MY CONTENT WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION*


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Keto Diet Meal Plan for Weight Loss A keto diet meal plan for weight loss is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that is designed to help you lose weight by putting your body into a state of ketosis, where it is burning fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates. The keto diet is based on the idea that when you drastically reduce your intake of carbs, your body will be forced to break down fat stores for energy, which can lead to weight loss.


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To solve it is necessary to deeply understand the threats, and all their interactions. For now the videos in this channel are an introduction. Please comment (give a comment on one of the videos) (or send me an email with the link of one of the videos) and if you do so, confirming that you understand the purpose of the video, (and add your email), I will send you the report (which I used to make that video with detailed links and references of used publications and videos). ACTION PLAN AND REFERENCE TO SOLVE THE "PERFECT STORM" OF CURRENT CRISES. The "Perfect Storm": Pandemic(s), Food insecurity and Climate change, ... Amongst others: Transforming degraded soils into soils enriched with microbes (amazon dark earth) that carry food forests that produce up to 100 times more than industrial agriculture does and automatically restoring climate, sequestering carbon in its deep organic soil. Diving deep in our genome, immune system and deep past where our ancestors knew to sustain, thrive and develop and grow the human brain until 5,000 years ago, when the human brain began to shrink and degenerate after something seems to have changed for the worse. Author: eng. Mallants Johannes, researcher with 38 years of experience in some of the key aspects. e-mail : jleopold110@gmail.com This video as well as all other videos as well as the reports are also available in Portuguese.