Rachael Sloan - Divorce Coach for Men


This channel is a resource for men in any stage of separation or divorce. You'll find these videos helpful if you want to: - Have good times with your kids. Be in a healthy and fulfilling relationship with a woman. Don’t take things personally. Advocate for yourself and set clear boundaries with others. - Regain your optimism, enjoy every day and actually look forward to dating and another relationship instead of wondering if it, too, will end. - Be free from your negative thoughts. Feel connected to yourself and others in a meaningful way. Feel confident to be alone or with others. - Have more energy and focus at work. Go through the day not thinking or worrying about your ex. Feel like you belong in the world again. - Stop thinking about your marriage all the time. Have neutral feelings towards your ex-wife and wish her the best. Co-parent in a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect. Date new women without fear, shame or expecting rejection. #divorce #relationshipcoach



I follow Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Messiah; the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Jehovah; the God of Israel... He saved my soul by His wonderful love, grace and mercy. I love Him with all of my heart and soul; It is my desire to point others to Him, and the gift of salvation that He provided through His death on the cross, His burial and His resurrection. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotton son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16. ♥இڿڰۣ---♥RO S E♥ இڿڰۣ---♥ For You ♥இڿڰۣ---♥ with love♥ ✞✞ ♥♥★≡(◕‿◕)♥♥✞✞ ❥. Super Big Hugs❥. .•*¨*•ღ✿❀ ♥♥♥God Bless You.•*¨*•ღ✿❀♥

The Ragged Patriot's salute to amazing americans


A page where any american can go, on one of those dark and dreary days, when the ai bots found the perfect thing to leaves you feeling hopeless and afraid, somehow knowing where to find the buttons normally only family should be able to divine.... these are my counters to those trolls and clockwork\'s dark manipulations, things that i find that can even give me hope and that reminds me every step they take towards blood and ash, the more people are jolted awake and come flocking back (i hope lol)... stay true, stay bright and remember millennials on down, im talking to you, our generations have perfect empathy but we have to remember that not just victims wear shoes but so do the wolves and if we can imagine what its like to be someone else in pain surely we can imagine the perpratrators joy and pretitory nature , surly we can imagine the possibility not everyone is good and one day what might happen if a leader stumbles into power corrupted, with evil in their heart... actions not words are all that matters, and if someones words never stay in one place maybe its time to stop counting on them to be where they say and wake the f UPPPPP!