Visual & Audio Bible


Visual & Audio Bible is where we bring the REAL bible to LIFE for you to see and hear. We hope that if more people could actually SEE and HEAR the bible through music as well as video and just how truly MAGNIFCENT it is, "warts" and all, it can help us ALL (including us) see where we have been, where are now and more importantly, where we CAN be going if we just follow God. Songs: All of our songs tell you TRUE stories, events and prophecy all right from this INCREDIBLE book called the bible and The Word of God. The songs are really a summary of the story, event or prophecy. Study Version: In these videos (coming soon, God willing) we go into much more detail about the story, event or prophecy. Postings: We will do our best to post at least 1-2 tomes per week, but at least once a week. Warning: Sometimes the bible stories, events and prophecy are not pretty, but they must still be told. So, sit back, relax and enjoy the Word of God!! :D