It's walking!


Travel around the world from home! Welcome to "It's walking!" - the channel with walking tours from different countries. Videos on this channel appeal to those who: - are looking for new travel ideas; - are preparing to visit a particular city; - are nostalgic for places that have already been; - don't have an opportunity to travel the world, but want to see different countries; - are looking for travel videos to play in the background for guests. New videos are publishing every week, so enjoy and don't forget to subscribe! :)

HP Walking Tours


Captivating travel videos showcasing diverse cities worldwide, including beach areas, bustling farmer markets, lush gardens and parks, and historic landmarks, with maps of each tour and subtitles for description (to learn more about the city’s rich history and its wonderful attractions). We ensure an immersive, authentic ambiance by utilizing a surround microphone. Embark on a visual journey to your dream vacation without leaving the comfort of your own home. Enjoy!

My Daily Walk in Healing and Deliverance


Hello my name is Harold. I'm a grateful believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. He pursued me and rescued me from death through the miracle of deliverance. Our Triune God is the answer to being healed and delivered. Through the Father's love for you and He does love you...Jesus' sacrifice on the cross defeating sin and all fruits of sin such as sickness, infirmities, mental disorders, bodily afflictions and through the power of Holy Spirit the same power Jesus used while here on earth, you can be healed and delivered from the torment of the enemy. It's a choice and a decision. Choose Jesus and then decide to receive healing and deliverance. It's all fixable. These videos are my way of reaching out to others to share my story, my own personal walk in healing and deliverance and to offer assistance for brothers and sisters currently in bondage to get free. Healing and deliverance for the most part starts as a first time experience and then continues as a process...a daily walk and so that is the name of my YouTube channel... My Daily Walk in Healing and Deliverance. Download the I AM confessions - put on refrigerator - Download Break the chains - Follow this man on Facebook. He is the real deal. / kevin.streetfisher God bless you. My website is contact me if you need prayer.



The TED Talks channel features the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and more. You're welcome to link to or embed these videos, forward them to others and share these ideas with people you know. TED's videos may be used for non-commercial purposes under a Creative Commons License, Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (or the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International) and in accordance with our TED Talks Usage Policy: /our-policies-terms/ted-talks-usage-policy. For more information on using TED for commercial purposes (e.g. employee learning, in a film or online course), please submit a Media Request at

Talking Animale


Talking animals are a common trope in fiction and folklore, where animals are depicted as being able to #AnimalCommunication #PetTalk #AnimalLanguage #AnimalBehavior #WildlifeConversations #AnimalWhispers #PetBehavior #ZooTalk #AnimalPsychology #AnimalSounds User Animal talking tags ChatGPT #AnimalTalk #TalkingToAnimals #AnimalConversations #PetChat #WildlifeTalk #AnimalLanguage #PetCommunication #ZooConversations #AnimalInteractions #PetConversations with humans or with each other using human language. This concept has been used in various forms of literature, film, and television, and has been a popular way to entertain and educate children. The idea of talking animals dates back to ancient times, where animals were often anthropomorphized and given human-like qualities and personalities. In modern times, talking animals are often used as a way to explore human issues and themes, such as morality, ethics, and social structures, through the lens of non-human characters. Talking animals can be portrayed in various ways, ranging from comedic to serious, and can take on a variety of forms, such as traditional animals, mythical creatures, or even robots or aliens. They can also serve different purposes in a story, such as being the main characters or supporting characters, or even serving as a metaphor for human behavior. Overall, talking animals continue to be a popular and enduring element of fiction, providing both entertainment and insight into the human experience

Motivational talk


Motivational talk channel is all about motivation and personal development. She offers inspirational videos to help people achieve their goals, improve their well-being and productivity. The videos include how-to tips, inspirational stories, interviews with successful people, and techniques for overcoming obstacles and staying motivated. The channel is led by personal development experts and life coaches who share their knowledge and experience to help people succeed in their personal and professional lives. The keywords I mentioned earlier reflect the themes covered in the videos on motivational t1lk

Real Talk With Gary Hibbert


Gary Hibbert is a Full Time Real Estate Investor, Licenced Real Estate Agent, achieving various Realtor awards and an Educator. In 2008, he purchased his first investment property and through hard work and dedication, left the regiment of the corporate world to become a Full Time Entrepreneur in 2014. Gary has helped hundreds of clients with creating a wealth strategy plan through public speaking, online webinars and even has his own podcast channel dedicated to inspire and educate anyone willing to change their mindset. He continues to play an active role in his community by attending corporate, private and school events to educate adults and especially children. Gary’s inspiration and hard work comes from his passion in helping others and wanting to make a difference in their lives.