

OutdoorEco.com is a place to both express our love of outdoor adventure lifestyle, food and travel, to inspire and encourage you to join in the adventure. We encourage families to go explore the outdoors together, from hiking, camping, cycling or whatever is available near you. We will share the things we love to do, the places we love to visit and anything related to help capture the experience. Join us, participate in the conversations, share your stories, but most of all, be inspired to get outdoors and start your next adventure. Outdoor Lifestyle, Food and Travel P.S. If you want to work together? Find out more about where we are going with OutdoorEco.com, contact me at gavin@outdooreco.com.

JC Tonic Herbs That Are Bi Directional – Help Clean Organs – Cleanse Body Verified


JURAK CLASSIC WHOLE BODY TONIC - A Corrective and Digestive Herbal and Mineral* Supplement JC Tonic® is a safe and effective anti-aging solution formulated to balance, energize and cleanse all of the body systems. Detoxify, Purify and Fortify JC Tonic® is unlike any other product available on the market. The scientific combination of 18 Bi-directional Tonic Herbs and 6 Vital Minerals makes JC Tonic® both gentle and powerful, and completely safe for anyone to consume on a daily basis. Our proprietary blend draws on the best of the world's vital traditions; emphasizing balance and longevity; counteracting stress; balancing the body system; improving endurance; increasing physical and mental energy, stamina and circulation; detoxifying and maintaining cellular health. JC Tonic Herbal Juice Is A Corrective & Digestive Herbal & Mineral Tonic composed of peculiar health giving substances found & extracted from plants, is a special preparation in the form of a tonic, to help keep the blood healthy. It accomplishes this by helping to regulate blood chemical & biological balance.

Guitar Stroke Recovery


I love playing guitar and during COVID I suffered a “Stroke”. This unexpected stroke affected the whole right-side of my body, in other words, zero movement; this was a very scary experience. Slowly movement is returning through therapy, extreme hard work, staying very positive, hopeful and many prayers; still healing through the grace of God! After some time has gone by, I started have a strong desire to start playing guitar again. My fret hand is fine, the challenging issue is my picking and strumming right hand, at which I call the engine. So, I accepted this personal challenge to start playing guitar again. I decided to make a weekly video library to document my progress. Please follow me on my journey and I hope this adventure encourages others to do the same. God Bless!

Ministério de Reconciliação Amados do Pai


Este ministério tem como principal objetivo restaurar e fortalecer a comunhão dos filhos com o Pai Celestial. Através do ensino e da pregação do Evangelho a igreja cresce e se fortalece no Senhor, sendo edificada pelo Espírito Santo no amor e na fé. Aquele que desceu é também o mesmo que subiu acima de todos os céus, para cumprir todas as coisas. E ele mesmo deu uns para apóstolos, e outros para profetas, e outros para evangelistas, e outros para pastores e doutores, Querendo o aperfeiçoamento dos santos, para a obra do ministério, para edificação do corpo de Cristo; Até que todos cheguemos à unidade da fé, e ao conhecimento do Filho de Deus, a homem perfeito, à medida da estatura completa de Cristo. Efésios 4:10-13