Meditation and motivation by golden tips

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I am a physics researcher that have been studying physics all my life. I 've spent many years reading many books and articles in this area to find out the relation between life and universe rules. In this channel, I am going to express this relation with a very easy language. I am going to tell you how we can resonance our frequency with world. When you are in resonance status, you'll be happy, safe and reach in this world. So, be with me and listen to my tips and I'll help you to be in resonance frequency.

Destination Anywhere

1 Follower

Destination Anywhere is an Entertainment Site that journeys on the path of travel not only physically but also mentally. Explore with us ideas to get out of the norm and adventure in the new and maybe old places you may have overlooked in the past. Think of new ideas to overcome the creatures of habits we are. Learn new DIY projects from start to finish and review some new products we come across. Join us on our spontaneous adventures of breaking the everyday habit of doing nothing at home. #cdacouch #destaway