Christian Living & Dream Interpretation

1 Follower

I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I make videos about Christian living and dream interpretation. I believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and that the Holy Spirit works through our intuition and conscience to lead us in this life. I believe that dreams are a window into the spiritual realm and a means of revelation and guidance from God. I am not a theologian or a psychologist, just a person sharing my thoughts. This channel is meant to encourage people to draw closer to God and grow spiritually so that they may fulfill their God-given destiny.

Gardening is my life

1 Follower

Hey guys, Welcome to Green Life ! This is Rohan. I'm passionate about all things related to gardening, from beautiful flowers to growing my own vegetables and plants. Our videos provide a wealth of information and inspiration for anyone who loves gardening, whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out. We believe that gardening is not only a great way to enjoy the beauty of nature, but also a wonderful way to connect with the earth and promote sustainability. Our videos cover a wide range of topics, including gardening tips, plant care, and creative ideas for designing and maintaining a beautiful garden. Join us as we explore the joys of gardening and share our knowledge and experience with you. Whether you're looking for practical advice on how to start a garden, or simply want to admire the beauty of nature, our channel has something for everyone. So grab your gardening tools and let's get started! To connect, please send an email to