escription Hi My Name is Mohamad, known in my community as Mec The Tech This channel is to help boost the productivity of the people & make technology easy & at the finger tips of everyone Whether you are a teacher, a student, a business owner, or a person who likes to learn something new, this channel is for your I have developed my skills over the years & i would like to help people & shorten the time span that took me to develop my skills for them In this channel we will be covering plenty of subjects, educational & business related My expertise extend beyond the limit of the screen Stay tuned for more

The Trustman


This channel discusses Trusts, and remedies in law. Everything related to Freedom, Sovereignty, Identity, Constitution, Due process of law, Maxims of Law and asset protection under the umbrella of a true sovereign non-statutory religious Trust. Here you’ll find remedies and solutions to protect yourself from government, courts, police run by the BAR association, all in collusion to legally plunder and enslave “we the people”. This organized crime syndicate is an organization “religion”. Therein lies the secret to their black magic but and also a remedy for you in law. Learn their secrets and overcome their black magic – the unlawful conversion of people into “persons” in order to traffic their persons. Understand the basics of a true religious Trust to counter their religion, and “the gates of hell shall not prevail against you”. Think of a Trust as a kingdom. You’re currently operating your life under the wrong religious Trust known as IN GOD WE TRUST. Look at your money with the occult and Freemason symbols. It is the secret religion of Satan. Change your religion under a different religious Trust and everything changes for you. These powers dread the day when you wake up and learn about Trust. That is when their control over you cease to exist.