Ask Dr. G. Psychologist any question.


Want to ask a therapist a question? Having difficulties in life or situations that are hard to navigate? Whatever it might be, here is your chance to ask me, Dr. G. a psychologist of 16 years, to help come along side you to tackle what might be troubling you. Why pay large therapy bills when you can come here and get straight-to-the-point guidance. I am a Christian foremost and view the world and all its problems and goodness through this lens. I will take my years of experience and knowledge and share with you right here on Rumble in a brief-focused-practical manner healthy ways to navigate life. Subscribe and ask your question in the comments section and I will respond in my videos. If I don't get to your question, I hope you find value from the questions that are answered. I don't know where this will lead but God does and that's all I need to know.

Rumble Your Way to Financial Freedom: Expert Tips and Tricks for Making Money


Welcome to our Rumble channel 🤑, where we share the best strategies, tips, and advice for making money. Whether you're looking to start a side hustle, invest your money wisely, or simply earn more cash, our videos have got you covered. Our expert team of financial advisors and entrepreneurs will guide you through the world of money-making, providing actionable insights and inspiring success stories. Join us on this journey towards financial freedom and start unlocking your earning potential today! 💰💸