Aussie Patriot Media Watch
2 FollowersAustralian & overseas media watch channel
Australian & overseas media watch channel
A group of tech & art creatives.
Multee Media Corp. provides digital, video and alternative media solutions.
William Douglas is an award-winning author and global media source on Mind Body, Consciousness Science, and Media Distortion, the 2009 Inductee to the World Internal Arts Hall of Fame in New York, and is the Founder and Int'l Director of a global Mind Body event that Princeton University born GCP Research Project found "increased coherence in global consciousness." His newest book blows the hinges off of widely accepted myths such as "increasing violent crime" and "increasing violence" in America and the world. Douglas's 40 year journey into the science on human consciousness, that included teaching Mind Body for maximum security prisons like Folsom, led to science of consciousness and physics and behavioral science, revealing an entirely different and vastly more hopeful world than corporate media will ever report on--yet this science is the most important science for the future of humanity. This channel's content will figuratively and literally blow your mind. And you can enjoy Mind Body Stress Management experiences with the author, who has taught Mind Body Stress Management for many of the world's largest corporations, health networks, etc. for over 30 years.
Your home for sports, music, gaming, and a whole host of other fun content.
Creative Project Media
Local and community news, current affairs, topics of interest, international events, inspirational people, entertainment, exciting locations.
Conservative Voice Media - A place where the truth and nothing but the truth will roam freely. Acts of patriotism will be shown for all of the conservative family to see. Welcome to the only channel willing to deliver the truthful videos and messages from our one and only Mr. President- Donald J. Trump and his associates. Subcribe and never miss the latest and most important news.
Bring you news story and story clips
Somaliland News
Artists Peter & Veronica utilising multi media to produce visual art, and sharing their life challenges in the process.
Media that stimulates!
satyameva jayate
New Hampshire's Independent Media
Z PONGA Media - Entertainment: radios, videos, tv ... music by their authors, composers, singers, musicians ... with their songs, shows, concerts, biographies, histories, etc.
Actualité et enjeux de société. Documentaires, interviews, enquêtes sur les sujets d'actualité et les enjeux de société.
I love to edit
Music not produced by corporate record lables
First of all, I would like to thank you for subscribing to my channel and for making it accessible to others. The YouTube channel is the channel of my singer and teacher Lulseged, and there are a lot of useful surveys on this channel. በመጀመሪያ አክብራችሁኝ ቻናሌን ሱብስክራይብ በማድረግ እንዲሁም ለሌሎች እንዲዳረስ ስላደረጋችሁ ከፍ ያለ ምስጋናና ክብር ለእናንተ አቀርባለሁ። ዩቲዩብ ቻናሉ የእኔ የዘማሪና መምህር ሉልሰገድ ጌታቸው ቻናል ሲሆን በዚህ ቻናል ላይ እጅግ በርካታ የሚጠቅሙ ዳሰሳዎች ይገኙበታል።
Owner of Skylight Music Records Artist | Producer | Musician Email manager : Listen to my music: [Link in b
Diving into stories, politics, and occult world that runs in controls everything
Today's World from a Critical, Historical Perspective
Clips of people trying to be as hosnest as they think they are allowed to be
News on the side
Welcome to Retroactivemart, where I indulge in the thrill of hunting, collecting, and selling vintage and retro toys, collectibles and retro media! Plus, other fun items. Dive into my world of nostalgia with videos showcasing retro finds and thrifting adventures. If you're into retro fun, hop on board Retroactivemart for an exciting journey!
I am a good mentor with 5 years of experience in the bussiness administrative industry. I am passionate about management and have a proven track record of success in admin manager in 2020. I am a highly motivated and results-oriented individual with a strong work ethic. I am also a team player and have excellent communication and interpersonal skills. I am always looking for new challenges and opportunities to grow and learn. I am confident that I can make a valuable contribution to you all.
This is where I will be sharing blog videos and similar content
Tech videos, tech entertainment, and lot more realistic content.
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Your mom's favorite comedian
Number 1 Source of Latest News and Updates of Current World Affairs and Hot News. What Media Hides
Aggregated content of Liberty & Freedom Related Ideals and art
TBT Network covers stories with real facts, proof, and evidence.
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