Spiritual Life Coach

1 Follower

On this channel my aim is to inspire and empower others; encouraging everyone to keep working towards their dreams and goals, find a way to heal from the past, and draw on aspects of Applied Positive Psychology such as resilience, hope and self-compassion. I appeal particularly to other parents along with young people at a cross roads, struggling to find their path or coping with a disability and anyone who’s been through difficult times and personal trauma. I’d like to share some of my personal experiences, how I’ve managed to get through them, and show empathy to others with similar experiences. Having coached and guided others on a one-to-one basis and through my writing and workshops; I now bring together my recent studies, experiences and spiritual guidance, to help you heal, grow and reach your full potential. Through my videos I’ll bring you an array of knowledge and techniques; a toolbox for you to draw upon, to empower yourself and take positive steps.

Leadership Success Coaching

1 Follower

311 was aptly named after Ecclessiastes 3:11 He makes everything beautiful in it's time. We have been mandated to lead others into the fullness that Jesus walked in on the earth because He put His spirit in us and gave us a new name and a new life. We are His hands and feet, not just at home or at church but EVERYWHERE! It is my passion to teach people how to rely on Jesus for every move they make in the marketplace. He desires that we prosper as our soul prospers so we can release, from our overflow, the blessings of heaven financially, spiritually, relationally, and physically to others in need. We carry it all and it's time we learned how to use it! As a Success Coach I will teach you how to move from adversity to growth in the marketplace leaning on the truth of the gospel.