Reborn & Reformed


We are a Christian Apologetics group dedicated to thoughtful dialogue, scholarly exploration, and the robust defense of the Christian faith. Our mission is to equip believers with reasoned answers to questions of faith, fostering an environment where skepticism meets the solidity of scriptural truths. We seek to equip others to help them seek the lost as well as defend the faith. We believe prideful divisions in the body of Christ over non-essential issues harm the Church as a whole. Fellow Christians should be able to offer opinions and engage in adult discourse without being hateful or overly aggressive. Debate and discussion should challenge our thinking, sharpen our decrement, while causing us to fortify our positions in respect to doctrine. Formal debates should never lead to childish social media conflicts that make true Christianity look pathetic to the secular world. We are ambassadors of a mighty King. We hope to remind others of this truth. We will challenge and call out false teachers, apostate religious organizations, cults and all types of heresy. Anything that does not conform to Biblical truth is false. This is not something we take lightly; it is urgent that we seek truth and call evil what it is no matter the cost. We want to see people come to true repentance, we can't do that by coddling them or remaining silent. Join us as we journey through the rich tapestry of Christian thought, celebrating the depth and beauty of scripture and divine revelation. Whether you're a seasoned apologist or new to conversation, we invite you to engage, learn, and grow with us. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at May God bless and keep you! R&R

Zprávy z Galaxie - Oraa Nataru Shari


Záložní kanál Vytvářím překlady a české titulky k videím zahraničních autorů - E. Danaan, Dr.M.Salla, A. Collier, I.Peréz, M. Jaco a další + naučné programy, dějiny planety Země a původu lidstva; technologie, rozhovory s hosty na témata o původu lidstva, skutečné historie, zásadní mezníky v dějinách zatajené lidstvu, tajné vojenské a vesmírné programy (SS), MILAB, 20&zpět, kolonie na Marsu, rozhovory se supervojáky a způsoby poznání sama sebe i zlepšení kvality života, 😀 Email: Příspěvek na tvorbu videí: 177251630 / 0600 IBAN: CZ58 0600 0000 0001 7725 1630 BIC (SWIFT kód): AGBACZPP Všem upřímně děkuji za nádherné vzkazy a sdílení vašich příběhů ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Trees & Roots


Build a tiny house, plant a vegetable garden and free up complexity. I’m dealing with my middle age crisis my own way. I’m starting a journey, don’t know the way or what is at the end. It has been my dream for the last 10 years to build a house by myself. What better place than here, what better time than now? I own a tiny piece of land - 0.25 acres and want to see what I can grow there and see where it will lead our family. My wife and two kids are supporting me with my plans, eager to see what the future will bring.

Canal de Resultados das Loterias Brasileiras


Bem-Vindo ao canal Só Resultados. Aqui você encontra vídeos tutoriais, resultado dos jogos da loteria federal ( resultado da Mega-Sena, resultado da Lotofácil, resultado da Quina...), resultados esportivos em geral, avaliações de sites e produtos em geral. RESULTADOS DOS JOGOS DA LOTERIA POR DIAS SEGUNDA FEIRA: LOTOFÁCIL, QUINA, LOTOMANIA e SUPER SETE TERÇA-FEIRA: LOTOFÁCIL, QUINA, TIMEMANIA, DUPLA SENA e DIA DE SORTE QUARTA-FEIRA: MEGA SENA, LOTOFÁCIL, QUINA, LOTOMANIA, SUPER SETE e LOTERIA FEDERAL QUINTA-FEIRA: LOTOFÁCIL, QUINA, TIMEMANIA, DIA DE SORTE e DUPLA SENA SEXTA-FEIRA: LOTOFÁCIL, QUINA, LOTOMANIA e SUPER SETE SÁBADO: MEGA SENA, LOTOFÁCIL, QUINA, TIMEMANIA, DUPLA SENA, LOTERIA FEDERAL, LOTECA e DIA DE SORTE Quer fazer alguma parceria com o Canal? - Contato: Quer colaborar com um Pix? - Chave: