Canada life news, Nouvelles de la vie au Canada.


Welcome to my channel about life in Canada. Here you will find a lot of useful and fascinating stuff. We discuss news, politics, breaking news, life and nature in our country. I'd love likes and subscriptions, comment... Enjoy watching. Canada forever. . . . Bienvenue sur ma chaîne consacrée à la vie au Canada. Vous y trouverez beaucoup de choses utiles et fascinantes. Nous discutons de l'actualité, de la politique, des dernières nouvelles, de la vie et de la nature dans notre pays. J'aimerais beaucoup les likes et les abonnements, les commentaires... Bon visionnage. Le Canada pour toujours...

Canal Familia na Cozinha


O Canal foi criado pela Mãe (Elke) e Filho (Guilherme) para juntos fazermos receitas fáceis e divertidas que agradarão a Família toda! Que tal chamar os pequenos para se divertirem na cozinha? Além de educativo, cozinhar com seu filho pode ser um momento especial entre vocês. Toda semana prepararemos receitas bem saborosas e práticas para você preparar junto com a criançada. Te esperamos por aqui!!!! E-mail: The Channel was created by Mother (Elke) and Son (Guilherme) so that together we can make easy and fun recipes that will please the whole Family! How about calling the little ones to have fun in the kitchen? In addition to being educational, cooking with your child can be a special moment between mother/father and children. Every week we will prepare tasty and practical sweet and savory recipes for you to prepare together with the kids. We are waiting for you here!!!!

Track Down Recipes! Welcome to my channel! Here you will track down recipes: Baking, Tidbits, Canapés, Mixed greens, Porridge and substantially more.


Hi my Companion! Welcome to my channel! Here you will track down recipes: Baking, Tidbits, Canapés, Mixed greens, Porridge and substantially more. I will offer numerous recipes for Breakfast and Supper, recipes for Bites, Hors d'oeuvres and focal point. What's more, Different dishes for schoolchildren and understudies. Treats, soups and primary courses. Any Plates of mixed greens and hot dishes. Appreciate watching!!! Remember to buy in and give your Illustrious Like!