RGB Lightning in a Bottle for the liberal Left


Cinematography and SFX I’ve worked personally hard to pick out every sound with care to create this fictional sound track of the Jesus King Arthur Clone Colonel John Arthur of the patriotic fictional US Sci-fi Movement In cinema and art that I have made and designed since i was 12. [Now in my thirties.] I am currently working to build real functioning sets as part of home theater setups then record them. My family is related to John Rolfe and we love Jesus. You should love well too.

Eileen Burns - Soul Empowerment For Lightworkers


Eileen Burns - Soul Empowerment For Lightworkers. Healing, Spiritual Coaching and Spiritual Business Coaching for the lightworker who want to step into their soul's mission with more strength resilience and deeper spiritual connection. As an awakened healer for over 30 years who has faced a wide range of rare and complex health challenges. Who has been fortunate enough to have been taught, mentored and supported by a wide range of powerful international spiritual teachers and healers. I am here to share as much as I can to support you on your life and soul purpose. Help you heal and awaken your most powerful gifts, so you can step into your light with far more ease and authenticity. Archetypal Healing Inner Child Therapy Intuition and Psychic Development Soul Work Spiritual Business and Spiritual Marketing Coaching Check out more about my qualifications and expertise at www.eileenburns.co.uk

Enlighten Me with Joe Pena


Having operated under the radar for over a decade, I was persuaded to publish my own work, aside from the work I've produced for others all this time. You'll find narrations, interviews, and other related material that might help you navigate your own journey in this lifetime. Much of it isn't my own material, but it's evident in each piece what inspired the media you'll find here. That said, Enlighten Me is a show that focuses on all things high-vibe. There is enough low vibrational material online, in print and in the media. Enlighten Me is a refuge. A way station. A place to reawaken that spirit within you that yearns for expression in your day to day life. That is what Enlighten Me is all about. Thanks for visiting. Joe(TheProducer)