MATSATI.COM Teaching Ministry


The website MATSATI.COM Teaching Ministry (and YouTube Channel) contains various articles and videos covering a variety of topics including Biblical commentaries on the weekly Torah portion, the Psalms, Isaiah, insights we learn from the latest Scientific research in chemistry and physics. The goal is to deepen our faith and relationship with the Lord while learning more about His word (the Bible). It is my goal to help inspire, educate, encourage, and motivate everyone as we all serve together in the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) for the furthering of His Kingdom! These studies look at the Hebrew (Masoretic Text), Aramaic (Targumim), and Greek (Septuagint) Scriptures, coupled with studies in the rabbinic literature (the Talmud, the Mishnah, Midrashim, and Jewish commentary). Dr. Duane D. Miller has been studying the Hebrew Scriptures and the Torah for 20+ years and sharing what he has learned. The studies developed for MATSATI.COM are freely to be used by everyone, to God be the Glory!

Ends of the Earth Gospel and Scripture Ministry


From the ends of the earth, we aim to evangelize with the gospel preaching return to God's original intent for mankind to have the right relationship with Him through Yeshua (Salvation). The focus will be upon teaching all scripture and keeping what is written in scripture, to include in the first five books. The Polynesian Triangle is the ends of the earth from Jerusalem and we want to preach to others to prepare a straight path to follow God to prepare the ministry of the Messianic believers of the 12 tribes of Israel to bring the word of Salvation around the world and until the ends of the earth per Isaiah 49:6.



The channel which hosts Broadcasts from The Word of God,through Jesus Christ,Street & Outreach Ministry. The Broadcasts are from The Ministry's Vault,(dating back to 1996),and featuring MANY DIFFERENT Ministers in The 5-Fold Ministry... ©copyright 2022 THE WORD OF GOD,THROUGH JESUS CHRIST, STREET & OUTREACH MINISTRY** ++ALL RIGHTS RESERVED++ (475)300-3850**Incorporated in CO,CT,IN,NC,SC,MS,TN,TX,WI** #THEHOLYGHOSTAPPROVESOFTHISMESSAGE #THEWORDOFGODTJCSOTVPRODUCTION #VIDEOSFILMEDINTHISMINISTRY #THEWORDOFGODTJCSOTELECAST ~PLEASE EXCUSE ANY AND ALL TYPOS THAT YOU SEE IN THIS DOCUMENT~

Assembly of the Anglo-Israel Ministries


My name is Dr. Jeffrey W. Frye and I’m the founder of the Assembly of the Anglo-Israel Ministries. We our a politically incorrect Anglo-Israel outreach ministry to Yahweh’s chosen race (true Israel, the White, European peoples) which is the elect remnant of the house of ancient Israel, Christian patriots, nationalists, reconstructionist, and all seeking a higher level of understanding will learn biblical solutions to personal and national problems, and be given the keys to unlock hidden truth. It will proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom (government according to Yahweh’s Law) through our videos and Wednesday night bible study meetings. We believe that we are all seeking a higher level of understanding of Biblical solutions to personal problems and have been given the keys to unlock hidden truths. Though some, maybe many, of our beliefs might be a little off the old beaten path but they are OUR truths in Christ! Please join us with all our videos that we post!

Virtual Doctor Visit Holistic Health Dr.Kish ,D.C & Minister


To work with me Via ZOOM, send me email request:, ( California Time Zone ) . See my website for more information on how I work with others on Zoom. If you would like in person also send me email. My holistic health coach approach to ones individual needs builds a strong bond with my patients and having a provider beyond office visits over zoom is extremely private and relaxing, achieving your health goals. Contact your health care provider before making any healthcare decisions. This channel is not substitue for professional diagnosis and treatment. Welcome to my holistic health healing minister channel.This channel is to share information, insight to daily common health issues providing education and solutions. You have made a wise decision in taking proactive approach for your health and well- being. We must understand everything is connected and address issues finding the root cause of your discomfort. I wish all of you and your loved ones the GOD given gift of health. Please take notes start your own journey into your insides and how they work. I believe the body self healing and with our intention and attention to our insides it cascades healing to the outside. Medical information found here is provided as information resource only, not to be used on relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. this info is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient physician relationship, not substitute for Professional diagnosis