Sabbath Broadcasts


SDA Online Church We broadcast live every Sabbath from 8h45 to just after 16h45 Our program lineup : 8h45 - Kids Time; 9h30 - Hope Sabbath School; 10h30 - Mission Spotlight; 11h00 - Divine Service; 12h00 - Worship in Song; 12h30 - Lunchtime Classics; 13h30 - Reflections of Hope 13h10 - Living Springs 13h20 - Lineage Journey 13h30 - Cook 30 14h00 - Incredible Journey 14h30 - Raw Questions - Relevant Answers 14h45 - Celebrating Life in Recovery 15h45 - Revelations Ancient Discoveries HAPPY SABBATH

The afterChurch Verified


The "AfterChurch" is sort of like an adult Sunday School, but a little more expansive in scope. Sometimes material that enhances the Sunday sermon will be shared and we will dig deeper into the text. Sometimes another passage in Scripture will be studied. Sometimes events that affect our church and our lives will be discussed. Sometimes we will spend part of the time in prayer. Sometimes it will be a mixture of some or all of these! And always, regardless of what the subject is, there will be time for questions and discussion.