Wiretap Media


Wiretap Media is an independent Canadian web media outlet dedicated to delivering and communicating reliable information to help people better understand the world. Our mission is to seek truth through on-ground investigative reporting, to be objective without fear and provide rich quality content through effective storytelling. The trust of our audience is at the center of our core values, and because of that, we believe it is our responsibility to deliver you the truth when no one else will.



Hey guys, if your enjoying the content! That’s awesome, we’re making daily content, from sketches to pranks, to short films to ( your favourite ) .. the magic! Lots coming soon ♥️\nHopefully my loyal supporters can understand we’ve had to adapt during covid times and are trying lots of new styles of content to stay up to date with the ever changing algorithm, and the environment in which I/we can film in. Just posting street magic videos right now is not a viable option.\nIf you don’t like the content we are putting out right now, that’s totally fair. You are welcome to not tune in. I do read all the comments and see some frustration. I apologise if anyone takes offence. Please remember- we are a bunch of friends having fun and making daily content, I’d love to post more of behind the scenes at a later point.\nFor now, I want to share with you that I have a lot of awesome magic and exciting content coming soon 🎩 🔥 The magic vids take a lot more time to create ( making amazing magic videos takes a lot of time and practice). Sometimes I spent an entire month filming magic in places such as Jamaica/ Miami/ South Africa just to post a single video. I cant wait to release with you the hard work I’ve put in to some of my new magic vids and hope that will vibe with you 🎩🎩\nFor now, don’t take life too seriously!! Enjoy- the internet is a wild and whacky place 🤪🤪

Think Media


Thanks for checking out Think Media on YouTube! We are a team of content creators bringing you weekly tech reviews, camera tutorials, and YouTube growth videos. And over the last 10 years, we've created and refined the #1 YouTube Strategy Course in the world - Video Ranking Academy. Our courses and community have helped over 12,000 YouTubers tackle their goals. Whether you are a beginner or a veteran we will help take your channel to the next level! Our mission is to help 10,000 purpose-driven people go full-time doing what they love and making an impact through the power of video.

Physical Trance Medium PsychicGavin


psychicgavin@icloud.com 07769 727272 www.psychicgavin.online/ www.facebook.com/psychicgavin/ PsychicGavin is a Physical & Trance Medium and Events Medium in both the Paranormal and for Mediumship Demonstrations, he has clients worldwide. He is also a Spirit Artist, Exorcist, Seichem Master, Reiki Master, Shamanic & Spiritual Healer and can provide Psychic Surgery, Cord Cutting, Soul Retrieval (also Reiki Master for Animals) and Hypnotherapy. He has extensive qualifications in order to help others on their Development Path and is qualified in Hypnosis, Astral Projection, Remote Viewing, Dowsing, Numerology, Soul Mates & Twin Flames, Soul Blueprints, Animal Spirit Totems, Moonology, Scrying, Channelling, Dragon & Dragon Energy, Unicorn & Unicorn Energy, Psychic & Mediumship Development, Meditation Teaching, Pineal Gland Activation, Chakra & Aura Healing, Ayurveda, Tarot, Advanced Tarot, Capturing & Analysing Electronic Voice Phenomenon, Demonology and Hoodoo (providing Exorcisms/Clearances & Curse/Spell Breaking). Psychic Gavin has been fortunate to work in all areas of Spirituality, Mediumship and the Paranormal and has been in front of many a camera capturing his abilities. His aim is to Educate and Inform those that have an interest on how to deal with the Universe’s connecting energies; whether this is through one-on-one discussions or readings, clearances, on-stage performances or just simply walking with you on one his Paranormal Events. Some of PsychicGavin’s work and experiences have been deliberately hidden from public view; both for those wishing his work to remain silent and indeed for a lot of you, your own sanity, this is because it is often impossible for people to come to terms with the realities of what really happens at the extreme areas of his work. A little bit from Gavin “Apart from my obvious passion for working with spirit, I am also passionate about working with and helping people, whether that be passing well needed messages from loved ones, assisting others to sense and feel spirit to aiding others developing themselves, I believe developing never ends when on a spiritual path and enjoy learning which also bridges the gap to spirit more and more, I also really enjoy discussions and helping other sensitives, psychics and mediums to expand their own abilities, I am very approachable and always contactable replying to every point of contact myself.”

Picture This New Media | Halal Ernie


My name is Halal Ernie & this is Picture This New Media a Nerd Culture Vlog. My content has Switched over to more a personalized Vlog where I Talk about Comic Books, Manga, Anime & Nerd Culture I also review & show my comic book hauls weekly for #NewComcBookDay. I do reviews & hauls of Manga as well. You'll see Gaming Streams and Back ups of my Twitch VOD's I also cover Hobbies, Drama, Lolcow commentary, & More! PayPal/Venmo: @PictureThisNM Cashapp: $PictureThisNM https://Twitch.tv/picturethisnm https://www.youtube.com/@PictureThisNewMedia/