Islamic medicure media

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n Islamic Medicure Media, you will be able to watch videos of Islamic programs, Naat Khwani programs, questions and answers on agricultural issues, Islamic Hadiths and Quranic verses. In addition, on this channel you will get to see videos of Prophetic medicine and prescriptions used in Islamic countries. We are a family of professionals connected with wisdom and we strive to make our knowledge a constant charity to cure your intractable ailments. You will include Hakeem Abdul Salam Ramiz hashmi in your special prayers۔

Critter Clips

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Welcome to Critter Clips, the ultimate destination for animal lovers! Our channel is dedicated to bringing you the cutest, funniest, and most heartwarming animal videos from around the world. From adorable puppies and kittens to exotic wildlife and everything in between, our videos showcase the incredible diversity of the animal kingdom and the joy that animals bring to our lives. Whether you're in the mood for a good laugh, need a dose of inspiration, or just want to see some adorable animals being their adorable selves, Critter Clips has got you covered. So sit back, relax, and enjoy our collection of furry, feathered, and scaly friends in all their glory. Don't forget to subscribe and hit the notification bell to stay up to date on our latest videos!

Videos von Georg Karl

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Pastor Georg Karl ist Leiter des Glory Life Netzwerkes (, international von Gott gebrauchter Prediger, sowie Autor von „Reise in die Herrlichkeit“, "Söhne der Herrlichkeit" und "Wiederherstellung aller Dinge". Seine Berufung ist es, durch die Verkündigung des vollen Evangeliums Menschen in die Herrlichkeit Gottes hineinzuführen und sie für einen übernatürlichen Lebensstil zu trainieren. Pastor Georgs frische und von viel Liebe und Freude begleitete Botschaften werden durch erstaunliche, übernatürliche Heilungen und Machtdemonstrationen Gottes begleitet