Hindustan Times


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اﻻستنارة والقيامة


قناة اﻻستنارة والقيامة ما تشاهدونه من فيديوهات في هذا الحساب توفيق وفتح من الله كما انه ليس مجهودا شخصيا بل فضل كبير منه يرجع لمن يعيننا ويسندنا. Support Us : www.paypal.com/paypalme/arroqia أو https://ko-fi.com/donate33 يمكن ايضا دعم الحساب عبر العملات اﻻلكترونية Bitcoin : bc1q34mwk9ztk2e9rxcrya44egkpvk6tq969vhrrm2 Xrp : r9H1Wq54NKjmkhXkvzfSPhrbm3C6yHKCTo USDT (Tether via Tron TRC20) : TEv9uvpbt5an9KgGcsgjtmSaN57mkKgomf

Gustan Cho Associates


GCA Mortgage (Mortgage Brokers), empowered by NEXA Mortgage, LLC are mortgage brokers licensed in 48 states, including Washington, DC, Puerto Rico, and the United States Virgin Islands (Not yet licensed in MA, and NY). Our team @GCA Mortgage, is a group of top producing Loan Originators and real estate experts. Our mission is to provide information about real estate and loan programs, including how the process works and latest news about the mortgage and real estate industry. We can do loans that others can’t! With the knowledge, expertise and experience of @GCA Mortgage team, and with the partnership with more than 200 wholesale lenders and bankers across the country, we were named the top producing team by the number 1 Mortgage broker in the nation!



Tiny Crosses started with a single thought..."Prayer creates miracles." There is power in prayer. It comforts. It inspires. It gives us hope. So we wanted to express that in everyday life with prayer bracelets, t-shirts, and inspiration. The Tiny Crosses motto is 'SAY A PRAYER AND WEAR' and Tiny Crosses products are a visual reminder to keep your prayers flowing out to God and to keep what you are praying for close to heart. We love sharing positivity and the power of prayer, and we’re so happy you’ve joined us on our journey of doing “tiny” things with great love! https://www.tinycrosses.com/

Anjuman Sarfroshan e Islam 1975 'R' Pakistan


It's Official channel of Aalmi Roohani Tehreeq Anjuman Sarfroshan-e-islam 1975 (R) Pakistan The "World Spiritual Movement Anjuman Sarfroshan e Islam Pakistan" Reg. 1975 (ASI) is a purely spiritual organization. "Anjuman Sarfroshan e Islam Pakistan" (ASI) was founded on July 13, 1982 in Hyderabad by the great spiritual personality Hazrat Syedna Riaz Ahmad Gohar Shahi Mad Zahul-ul-Alali. The aim of "Anjuman Sarfroshan e Islam Pakistan" is to create Love of ALLAH & Rasool s.a.w.w among the youth through Zikr e Allah, Prayer, Shariat & Tariqat. "ASI" are working to eliminate all the evils and sectarianism of the society, in the light of Quran, Hadith and Spiritual Teachings. "ASI" are also focusing to Spread / Promote the Teachings & Techniques of all the Great / Honorable Spitual Personalities of the Islam. Head Office: Almarkaz Roohani, Allah Hoo Pahari, Khuda ki Basti 1, Kotri, (Hyderabad) District Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan. Tell : 0092-223410583 http://www.sarfrosh.org