Boekhouder Breda


Welkom bij het podcastkanaal van Boekhouder Breda! In onze afleveringen bespreken we diverse onderwerpen rondom boekhouding, fiscale regelgeving en financieel beheer. Onze deskundige accountants delen praktische tips en inzichten om zowel ondernemers als particulieren te ondersteunen bij hun financiële vraagstukken. Van belastingplanning tot jaarrekeningen en financiële administratie, onze gesprekken bieden waardevolle informatie voor iedereen die zijn financiën wil optimaliseren. Luister mee en ontdek hoe Boekhouder Breda u kan helpen bij het maken van weloverwogen financiële beslissingen en het succesvol beheren van uw boekhouding. Blijf op de hoogte van de laatste trends in de accountancywereld!

Google Workspace and GCP Admin Training


Hi Google Admin! We are a team of IT Trainers and this Google Workspace Admin channel is starting place for any new Google Workspace Admin as they begin their journey of managing and establishing Google Workspace best practices for their organization in minimum time. FAQ, HOW TO videos will leave you feeling confident to utilize the basic and advance functions of the admin console to manage users, access, services, security and much more. Learners can expect to leave this Google Admin training channel with all of the skills they need to get started as Google Workspace administrators. You will learn how to provision and manage your OUs, Users, Cloud Directory, Groups and how to split your organization into organizational units to simplify user and services. Its upcoming content even enable you to get Professional Google Workspace Administrator Certification easily. When you complete this channel’s learning videos, you can show the world the skills you have developed!

Cory Daniel music hour


Don't forget to get your song submissions in for this week's show. It is a non-genres specific music show. Email an MP3, a short Bio to: the Cory Daniel music hour : New Episodes every Friday Don't forget to subscribe to the show on YouTube smash that bell for notifications, and Twitter, and like our Facebook page Iron Horse Studio Iron Horse Studio. Is a small recording studio ideal for acoustic recordings, and vocals. as well as the headquarters of the Cory Daniel music hour Podcast.

Altcoin Hourly


The purpose of this channel is to be a trustworthy hourly news source for the latest happenings in the crypto space. Because I believe content is more memorable when it's entertaining, everything I upload will have a reasonable amount of satire/comedy. The content I upload will primarily consist of news, think pieces, chart/market analysis. I eat, sleep, breathe crypto, therefore my life revolves around low cap/micro-cap altcoins, as well as blue-chip coins such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. I'll be covering everything crypto related such as WEB 3, the Metaverse, DeFi, Staking, Mining, trading, and hodling. None of the content presented on my channel constitute financial advice of any kind. I am not a financial advisor. All statements made on this channel are opinions intended for the sole purpose of entertainment. Please be aware of scammers and impersonators attempting to use my channels branding to execute scams. I will never initiate contact with you on any platform.