Уште еден Podcast


Затоа што навистина беше време за “Уште еден поткаст”! Името е баш погодено! Поткаст во буквална смисла на зборот, каде нема да гледате прашање - одговор, туку ќе гледате дебата, мислења, различности ... Овој поткаст ќе биде место каде секој без цензура ќе може да го сподели своето мислење и својот став. Се обидуваме да бидеме различни, но позитивни, со позитивни и мотивирачки животни приказни. Ќе имаме гости од различни области, со различни, но успешни приказни. И да, време е да се насмееме нели!? -------------------------------------- Because it really was time for "Another Podcast"! The name is right! A podcast in the literal sense of the word, where you will not see a question - answer, but you will see a debate, opinions, differences ... This podcast will be a place where everyone can share their opinion and their attitude without censorship. We try to be different but positive, with positive and motivating life stories. We will have guests from different areas, with different but successful stories. And yes, it's time to smile right!?

Emotional Edging


Welcome to Emotional Edging: Emotions, Advice, and Everything New – the channel where unfiltered thoughts, deep emotions, raw advice, and the latest trends collide. 💔 Emotional Edging – That sweet spot between deep feelings and total breakdowns. 🧠 Advice – Real talk, no sugarcoating. Whether it’s life, love, or just surviving the daily mess, we’ve got you. 🔥 Everything New – The latest trends, hottest takes, and weirdest discoveries from around the world. 🚀 Expect rants, wisdom, dark humor, late-night thoughts, and brutally honest takes – all served with a side of entertainment. 💬 Subscribe and join the conversation. Stay for the chaos, leave with some questionable wisdom. 🤯

Edges of Being


Welcome to “Edges of Being”! This channel is a space for unique video impressions of nature, time, and fleeting moments of life. Every frame captures authentic, unposed moments, with a deep focus on detail and atmosphere. All video content is filmed and edited by the creator. The music and literary works featured in these videos are in the public domain. What you’ll find here: Breathtaking landscapes, natural sounds, and immersive atmospheric scenes Aesthetic storytelling with no artificial effects A deep, meditative experience enhanced by classical music and timeless literary works This channel is more than just a collection of beautiful imagery—it’s a unique perspective on the world, where every moment matters. Subscribe if you appreciate contemplation, life’s philosophy, and the beauty of fleeting moments. #nature #poetry #art #time #contemplation #publicdomain #silence #deepthoughts