Somebody Cares America/International Verified


The Somebody Cares mission is to let people know that Somebody Cares. Because Jesus cares, we the Church care. As a result, through grassroots efforts, communities are being transformed and the Church is uniting. This is unity with a purpose. We mobilize Christians into evangelism, thereby transforming communities. We seek to identify ministries that empower people to reach their full potential and become all that God envisioned when He created them. By standing side by side with our neighbors, we help them reclaim their community. We do not take over or do for others what they can do for themselves. Rather, we empower them so that they can do for themselves. Together, we are advancing the Gospel and building the Kingdom of God through compassion. None of this would have significant Kingdom impact without a constant commitment to personal integrity, family intimacy, and unified church interactions. Together, we glorify God better! Impact the four corners of the world with Somebody Cares! Donate Now! EMAIL SIGN UP

DMZ America Podcast


Intelligent and intellectual analysis of current events and politics, with lots of callbacks to American history and lots of laughs! Two political cartoonists, a left-of-the-Democrats socialist and a conservative libertarian discuss and debate election campaigns, scandals, wars and anything else that's in the news. Never mind the shoutfests! Because award-winning artists Ted Rall (syndicated columnist, essayist for the Wall Street Journal, ex-staff cartoonist for the Los Angeles Times, Pulitzer finalist, bestselling Gen X author of "Revenge of the Latchkey Kids," "To Afghanistan and Back" and "Bernie") and Scott Stantis (Chicago Tribune cartoonist, contributor to Centerclip, Winner of the Sigma Delta Chi Journalism Award, "Prickly City" comic strip creator) are best friends, disagreement is respectful and intelligent, minds get changed and insights are gained.

Mitropolia ROMA - Holy Trinity Church, Los Angeles []


Church's History, Education, Culture, Social Affiliated pages: Videoteca Bisericii - Provocările contemporane/Contemporary Issues Romana – Siteu (RO): Engleza - Webpage: HTRAOC - Canale Video/Domenii variate Video-Chanell [Engleza] Canal Video [Romana]