Christian Faith Now


Christian Faith Church is led by pastor Sergey Golovey and is located in Sacramento, CA. Our vision is to raise spiritually healthy people, equipped with their knowledge about their inheritance in Christ and prepared to carry out the Great Commission by obeying the Great Commandment. To support the ministry of Christian Faith Church and help us continue to reach people all around the world click here: Christian Faith Church Sacramento, CA

Franklin County MO. Church Of Christ


We remain strongly committed to the Restoration Plea to "Speak where the Bible speaks and remain silent where the Bible is silent." Such is a plea to abandon the man-made churches, names, creeds and teachings that are unauthorized by the New Testament. It is a plea for unity in Christ and His one true church. We are dedicated to the church's threefold work of evangelism, edification, and benevolence (Matthew 28: 18-20; Galatians 6: 1 0; James 1 :27). We are committed to the gospel plan of salvation for a lost and dying world, including faith in Christ as Lord and Savior, repentance of all sins, the good confession, immersion in water (baptism) for the remission of sins, and faithfulness to Christ (Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38; Romans 10:10; Revelations 2:10). We invite YOU to join us in this greatest of all works. In all things, may God receive the glory!

GKE-Presents: *True Way of Life*[Following {Jesus/Yehoshua/Immanuel}-The Christ]


Check-Out the show, come deep into to rabbit hole of The Matrix and find Out if your a true player and just an npc. Kickback and stimulate your mind with Real Talk about Real life. The episode is a preview of a few heated topics most people avoid due to The Matrix controversy. This season we're going deep into the rabbit hole, topic of Jesus and the truth, how to live life better, The Matrix and how to navigate it. Grand Knew Empire - NFT Collections$GrandKnew


11 Followers\\\\n \\\\n#THEYLLKNOWWEARECHRISTIANS #THEREVIVALHASBEGUN #BOLDLYCHRISTIAN \\\\n\\\\nWHAT WE ARE:\\\\nWe are a Revival... A rebirth of hearts and minds, a call to Christians to join together and heal our nation by putting Christ back into every aspect of our lives. \\\\n\\\\nWHAT WE BELIEVE: \\\\n+ We believe this nation was purposefully founded under God, recognizing that He is our Sovereign Leader and the Giver of the freedoms protected by the Constitution \\\\n+ We believe in the inherent value of every man, woman, and child – born and unborn- because they are created in His image \\\\n+ We believe the strength of a nation lies in the self-discipline of each individual to follow God’s laws and is passed to future generations by preserving the traditional Christian family \\\\n\\\\nWHAT WE WILL DO: \\\\n+ We will use our individual lives to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and mind; we will love our neighbors as ourselves; we will pray without ceasing + We will use our individual professions to transform the nation’s economy, government, and society to be infused with the spirit of God \\\\n+ We will be bold in our actions, putting on the full Armor of God, and end the age of Christian isolationism. We will declare God’s Word fearlessly to those who slander it or bring evil to our nation \\\\n\\\\nVisit our website for the full story:\\\\n\\\\