Conservative Nation


Black Conservative, Men\'s Rights Activist, Truth to ear Politics. I am bringing a conservative point a view to black issues. It is my mission to provide African Americans a conservative venue to discuss social issues without the liberal dogs shutting down the argument with false promulgated shaming tactics. It is my belief that most African Americans are conservative and if given an opportunity to hear the other side will agree with most issues. So join me in my fight against liberalism that is destroying the family and men in our society. Support The Show: Patreon: Paypal: Podcast The Show: Follow Me: Podbean Google Music: Stitcher Radio: Itunes Podcast:

Fearfully And Wonderfully Made


I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. -Psalms 139:14 These are videos I have found to be useful for keeping your body healthy and functioning properly - and allowing it to work the way the creator designed. These videos are for purely educational purposes, and you should always consult your doctor first. WARNING: These videos may NOT all be from Christian sources - so please use discernment! I am sharing mainly for the medical information contained in them.