Ultimate Night Vision


Ultimate Night Vision is an industry leader in night vision and thermal imaging. Night vision is not just a job for us, it is our passion. Here in Texas, we are fortunate to be able to use night vision and thermal scopes for hog hunting, coyote hunting, and hunting other predators and varmints at night. The firsthand knowledge we gain through night hunting on a regular basis allows us to provide accurate and relevant information to our customers. We carry a wide variety of NV and thermal optics brands. We strive to provide unbiased information to aid customers in the decision-making process. We also have a nationwide rental program which gives customers the unique opportunity to test and compare various night optics under real-world conditions before committing to a large purchase. Our channel features product reviews, instructional videos, comparisons, and plenty of actual hunt footage.

Associated Christian Television


Associated Christian Television (ACTS), acknowledges the vital role, importance and influence on the general public of television, radio, internet, social media and streaming platforms as well as other emerging technologies of mass communication. The goal of ACTS Board of Directors is to foster and encourage excellence in Christian broadcasting by establishing and maintaining high standards with respect to content, method of presentation, speakers, qualifications and ethical practices.

Ladies of Another View on BEK TV


Ladies of Another View airs on BEK News every weekday at 4:30 PM CT. Find out more at www.bek.news/ladiesofanotherview. Have you noticed local and national media are muting ideas that don't fit their agendas? We think it's time for Another View on the issues that affect North Dakotans. Join us for conversation, inspiration, and information that have become hard to find. Ladies of Another View is a lively forum lead by Patti Armstrong and Mary Graner, with contributions from a group of show hosts consisting of other local North Dakota women thought leaders.

The Rocky Mountain View


Rocky Mountain View is an interactive “faith based channel,” where everyone is welcome... and where we encourage you, the viewer, to email us stories of positive life changing moments you\'ve experienced due to YOUR personal relationship with God. Our goal is quite simple.... by sharing stories of faith: to help strengthen those in the Christian community who need our help. And these could be your friends, neighbours, family members…. or complete strangers...Just people like yourself…. who are seeking answers, affirmation, and the strength to overcome difficult moments in their lives. AND THEN, we\'ll be sharing these wonderful stories from a variety of spectacular locations within…. the beautiful Rocky Mountains! So please, if you have a personal experience you would like to share, email us at; therockymountainview@gmail.com God Bless You and Yours!

Fanatics View Verified


Fanatics View strives to produce and document the best interviews, highlights, shows and video features to provide an exclusive "Fanatics View" for sports fans. Fanatics View was officially launched in January of 2015, it is the first ever daily sports video website - covering all major sports & viral sports videos. In 4 years of the website\\\\\\\'s launch and in just 2 years of being a media and production company, Fanatics View has shot exclusive content with 1,000+ professional athletes/celebrities, received media credentials to 100+ sporting events (including the Super Bowl), directly influenced a billion dollar company (WWE) and gathered over 500,000,000+ total views on FV platforms. In addition to working directly with athletes, Fanatics View is a credentialed and recognized media company by the NBA, NFL, MLB, NHL, College Football, Boxing and more.