Learn the truth about vaping


VAEP (Vaping Advocacy and Education Project Inc.) is a registered not-for-profit that provides information on vaping as a harm reduction strategy for current smokers and for reducing youth smoking uptake. We review evidence such as scientific journal articles, surveys and other credible data on vaping. From that information, we produce learning resources that are easy to understand and post them online via our website and social media for anyone to access.

Trappers SNORR


Northeast Trapper Dan takes viewers out on his trapline adventures and interviews trappers on everything wild fur harvesting related. SNORR stands for Sustainable, Natural, Organic, Renewable, Resource. Dan promotes ethical trapping, wildlife conservation, trapping education for youth and public at large. Watch for a special Series called FUR SHEDucation, where Dan visits experienced fur trappers Sheds to talk everything trapping and learn their fur handling techniques.

Tapping Into Miracles


EFT tapping videos, EFT tap-a-long videos, Emotional Freedom Technique videos *New to EFT Tapping? Get your FREE eBook: https://tappingintomiracles.com/free-ebook-get-unstuck-in-5-easy-steps-with-eft-tapping *Website: TappingIntoMiracles.com https://www.tappingintomiracles.com *Support my channel on Patreon.com https://www.patreon.com/tappingintomiracles *Music: Pixabay.com *Legal Disclaimer: All information provided is meant to be educational in nature. It is not medical or psychological advice. Remember to use your own best judgement.